Tucker Carlson has reinvented his career on numerous occasions.
Carlson is still as big a success as ever.
And Tucker Carlson admitted this is his worst fear over the next ten years.
The changing media environment
Donald Trump’s win on November 5 was a massive wakeup call for the legacy media.
Media outlets spent years lying about Trump, calling him a racist, a fascist, a Russian asset, and the reincarnation of Adolf Hiter.
But none of those took hold because the press never realized Americans stopped caring about what they say.
Pew found that 40% of Americans under the age of 30 get their news from social media influencers and podcasters.
The new media ecosystem is a revolt against the lies, pro-censorship bias, and pro-Democrat bias of the legacy press.
Donald Trump appearing on Joe Rogan’s show attracted 45,000,000 views on YouTube, a far greater reach than any Sunday show or cable news program.
Alternative media rose in popularity as Americans realized the legacy press fed them politically-motivated lies about Trump-Russia collusion, the origins of COVID, the ensuing lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and the George Floyd riots.
Members of the media didn’t take well to their sudden loss of influence with Morning Joe regular Eugene Robinson whining that the so-called “mainstream” media and its allegedly “rigorous” standards couldn’t compete with podcasters who feed “20-second soundbites” to Americans on social media.
“I find it hard to believe that younger voters would prefer getting an entertaining 20-second news snippet over watching a cable news show for four hours from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Come on! It seems like an easy choice for us here,” Robinson whined.
Tucker Carlson’s big worry
Podcaster Clayton Morris pushed back on the idea that podcasts were only popular because of 20-second snippets on social media, saying it flew in the face of reality.
Morris pointed out that Carlson’s show is two hours long.
Joe Rogan interviews guests for three hours.
The longform format of podcasts proved popular with Americans under 30 because it allowed for a deep dive discussion and also fostered a sense of community and trust since guests can’t very easily hide who they really are during a three-hour long interview.
Carlson agreed and said that he could speak from experience and say that cable news is a tightly-controlled format because of time constraints and editorial mandates from above.
“I just want to restate: there’s nothing shallower, dumber, more repetitive, more controlled, or less informative than cable news,” Carlson stated.
Carlson also predicted the death of legacy media as Carlson explained the people who now work in the dominant media won’t be able to survive in the new landscape because Americans know they have no credibility.
And that’s what Carlson said worried him about the emerging media ecosystem – that podcasters and social media influencers will copy the same bad habits of the so-called “mainstream” media which caused the people who worked there to lie in service of a narrative.
“The people who work at NBC News will not have careers in journalism 10 years from now. The reason they won’t is not because of technology; it’s because they have no credibility – they’re corrupt. They’re liars. That’s really the lesson: corruption kills you, especially in a business predicated on trust, which is the media. Don’t emulate that. Don’t be corrupt,” Carlson concluded.