A top Democrat just issued this scary dare to the Supreme Court

A top Democrat just issued this scary dare to the Supreme Court

Democrats claim they are the party of democracy. That’s all a lie, and they proved it once again during their nominating convention. And a top Democrat just issued this scary dare to the Supreme Court. Michigan Attorney General attacks the Supreme Court  Democrats...

Oprah hopes no one finds out the big favor she did for J.D. Vance

Oprah hopes no one finds out the big favor she did for J.D. Vance

Oprah took the stage during the Democratic National Convention. But it was something from her past that threatened her appearance. And Oprah Winfrey hopes no one finds out the big favor she did for J.D. Vance. Oprah endorses Kamala and smears J.D. Vance Oprah is one...

Megyn Kelly bodychecked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this brutal truth

Megyn Kelly bodychecked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this brutal truth

Megyn Kelly wasn’t impressed at all with what she saw at the Democratic National Convention. Kelly had one specific target in mind. And Megyn Kelly bodychecked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this brutal truth. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s odd convention speech  Democrats...

Donald Trump will say checkmate to Kamala Harris after this power move

Donald Trump will say checkmate to Kamala Harris after this power move

Donald Trump still has a surprise or two up his sleeve. Polls show key swing states shifting back Donald Trump's way, but there may be even more bad news on the way for Kamala. And Donald Trump will say checkmate to Kamala Harris after this power move. RFK considering...

CNN admitted this question is checkmate for Kamala Harris

CNN admitted this question is checkmate for Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris can only hide for so long. The Democrats know there is a soft underbelly to her campaign. And CNN admitted this question is checkmate for Kamala Harris. Democrats deploy Barack and Michelle Obama to gaslight the country  The Democrats sent Barack and...

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