Democrats claim they are the party of democracy.
That’s all a lie, and they proved it once again during their nominating convention.
And a top Democrat just issued this scary dare to the Supreme Court.
Michigan Attorney General attacks the Supreme Court
Democrats will usually fall all over themselves to say Donald Trump is an enemy of democracy for criticizing American institutions that are trying to rig the system against him.
If Donald Trump blasts the Democrat prosecutors and judges waging lawfare against him, Democrats and their accomplices in the media will say Trump is one step short of bringing Nazi Germany to America.
Democrats never apply that same standard to themselves for obvious reasons.
Michigan’s radical left-wing Attorney General Dana Nessel was the latest example of the left’s belief that it’s ok to tear down any institution they don’t control because democracy working means Democrats win every election and control every branch of government.
In her speech, Nessel tried to hone in on two of the lies Democrats want the American people to think are true about Kamala Harris.
The first is that she is supposedly some kind of tough-as-nails prosecutor.
“As California’s attorney general, Kamala Harris never shied away from a good fight,” Nessel stated.
Nessel then claimed Kamala Harris was a stalwart defender of freedom.
“She’s held accountable environmental polluters, sexual abusers, and transnational gangs. But what really stands out is when she stood up and protected her constituent’s freedoms,” Nessel added.
When Kamala Harris was California Attorney General, she didn’t believe in the freedom of the press as she sought to jail undercover journalists who exposed the fact that Planned Parenthood chopped aborted babies bodies to sell for spare parts.
And Kamala didn’t believe in the freedom to own firearms as she bragged about sending government agents to kick down doors and confiscate guns.
Democrats meaning of freedom
According to Nessel, Kamala defending freedom meant only that she refused to defend the state’s Constitutional Amendment banning homosexual marriage in court.
“In 2011, she refused to defend California’s ban on same-sex marriage. She refused to argue that some families should have fewer rights than other families. It meant a lie. She was fighting for families, like mine. Now, in 2022, I faced a similar situation when after Roe v. Wade was overturned, Michigan’s archaic abortion ban was resurrected. But Vice President Harris had my back. And she reminded me that protecting people’s lives and defending their rights is our job. And just as the same-sex marriage ban was overturned in California, so, too, was the abortion ban in Michigan,” Nessel declared.
Nessel then boasted that she was a homosexual who got married after the 2015 Obergefell decision imposing homosexual marriage on every state in the country, and she dared the justices to take up a case to overturn it.
“I got a message for the Republicans and the justices of the United States Supreme Court. You can pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay, hand. And I’m retaining a lot of water, so good luck with that,” Nessel ranted.