One election lawsuit has Kamala Harris popping champagne bottles

Oct 28, 2024

Democrats made lawfare their central campaign strategy.

In the home stretch, Democrats got a major boost.

And one election lawsuit has Kamala Harris popping champagne bottles.

Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Department of Justice sued to keep illegal aliens on the voter rolls 

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order in August to help secure Virginia’s elections.

The Republican Governor ordered the state to remove over 6,000 noncitizens from the voter rolls in accordance with a 2006 law signed by then Old Dominion Governor and current U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA).

But Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s Justice Department sued Virginia.

And a Joe Biden appointed judge appears poised to force Virginia to put illegal aliens back in the voting rolls with less than two weeks to go before the election.

“During several hours of arguments in federal court Thursday, Judge Patricia Giles expressed skepticism about the defenses Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-Va.) and other state officials have offered for removing voters during a 90-day, preelection quiet period during which federal law prohibits ‘systematic’ efforts to clean up the voting rolls.” POLITICO exclusively reported Thursday.

“Giles, an appointee of Joe Biden, seemed poised to order the state to stop the systematic removal and to reinstate those who have already been removed during the 90-day window. However, she did not immediately issue a ruling,” the POLITICO report continued.

Election interference

The early voting numbers in Virginia look promising for Republicans and may portend the state is closer than it appears.

Republicans are holding the Democrat Party’s early vote margin below that of when Youngkin won the Gubernatorial election in 2021.

Youngkin appeared on Fox News Sunday and explained that all Virginia did was comply with state law and the United States Constitution in making sure that ineligible voters can’t cast ballots.

“To be clear, this is not a purge,” Youngkin stated. “To describe this as something that’s a purge is completely inaccurate, it’s wholly consistent with the U.S. Constitution, the Virginia Constitution and Virginia law.”

Youngkin wanted to know exactly why anyone would object to the idea of keeping non-citizens from casting illegal ballots that would cancel out the votes of American citizens.

“Why is it that anyone could argue that a process that removes non-citizens off of our voter rolls is anything other than common sense and constitutional?” Youngkin asked.

Youngkin also said the Biden-Kamala Harris Justice Department waited until the last minute to file a lawsuit in the court of a handpicked crony to deny the state of Virginia any ability to have the time necessary to seek remedy in the appellate courts.

“They could have started it a long time ago, we would have sorted this out, because I firmly believe they are wrong. But this seems far more political than otherwise, simply because of the fact that this has been going on since 2006, according to law, and they chose 25 days before an election in Virginia in order to assert something which really is inconsistent with the process that we are doing,” Youngkin concluded.

Elections should never be decided in courts.

But with polls showing the public thinks Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have the country on the wrong track, the Democrat Party leaned into lawfare.

Judge rules Virginia must halt its efforts to clean voter rolls of potential non-citizens.

Judge Giles ruled on Friday that the State of Virginia must bring the state’s effort to a halt and restore suspected non-citizen voters to the state voting rolls. 

“This is a stunning ruling by a federal judge who is ordering Virginia to reinstate individuals who have self-identified as noncitizens back on the voter rolls,” Youngkin said in a call to Fox News following the decision which would place some 1,600 individuals back on the voter rolls.

Youngkin insisted the state would appeal the case as far as it takes, all the way to the Supreme Court, if Giles wasn’t reversed soon.


*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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