Donald Trump exposed a January 6 smoking gun that will wreck Nancy Pelosi

Jan 24, 2025

Donald Trump took the oath of office and immediately set about fulfilling his campaign promise to drain the Washington, D.C., Swamp.

That was bad news for key figures on the Left.

And Donald Trump exposed a January 6 smoking gun that will wreck Nancy Pelosi.

Donald Trump pardons January 6 defendants

Throughout the 2024 campaign, Donald Trump promised to end the double standard of justice in America.

Central to that was pardoning the January 6 “hostages,” as Trump called them.

Conservatives were furious that Black Lives Matter insurrectionists who threw Molotov cocktails at police or left someone to die in a building they set on fire received slaps on the wrist while the Biden Justice Department treated Trump supporters like domestic terrorists and threw the book at them.

Donald Trump made good on his word by issuing pardons and commuting the sentences of more than 1,500 January 6 “hostages.”

Trump spoke to a crowd after taking the oath of office and said that the press and the Democrat Party spent years spreading the big lie about how Trump incited his supporters to stage an insurrection on January 6.

Trump said the real responsible party was then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and described her as “guilty as hell” for rejecting his offer of 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the Capitol.

In his speech, Trump pointed out that Pelosi’s own daughter Alexandra provided the incriminating evidence as part of a documentary she made for HBO.

Nancy Pelosi tried to pull her own revisionist history about January 6 in a statement she released after Trump issued the pardons.

“Tonight, the President announced pardons and commutations of sentences for those who violently attacked the Capitol and law enforcement officers on January 6. The President’s actions are an outrageous insult to our justice system and the heroes who suffered physical scars and emotional trauma as they protected the Capitol, the Congress and the Constitution,” Pelosi began.

Pelosi falsely claimed Trump abandoned police officers when testimony to the January 6 Committee by Trump White House Deputy Chief of Staff Tony Ornato showed Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops but was rebuffed by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

“It is shameful that the President has decided to make one of his top priorities the abandonment and betrayal of police officers who put their lives on the line to stop an attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power. Despite the President’s decision, we must always remember the extraordinary courage and valor of the law enforcement heroes who stood in the breach and ensured that democracy survived on that dark day,” Pelosi added.

Democrats – led by Nancy Pelosi – used the January 6 big lie to try and imprison Trump to stop him from winning the White House.

Trump supporters were swept up in what was the largest criminal investigation in American history.

The unequal treatment compared to the Black Lives Matter and Antifa insurrectionists that burned cities to the ground throughout the summer of 2020 was an injustice.

And Donald Trump corrected that imbalance with his pardons.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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