Bill Maher couldn’t believe what Nancy Pelosi said straight to his face

Sep 4, 2024

Democrats think they can get away with anything.

It’s called liberal privilege.

And Bill Maher couldn’t believe what Nancy Pelosi said straight to his face.

Nancy Pelosi supports free housing for illegal aliens 

In addition to woke ideology and transgenderism, Bill Maher also thinks the Democrat Party dove off the deep end on support for open borders.

Maher interviewed Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on his Real Time show and pressed Pelosi on legislation in California that would force taxpayers to fund $150,000 down payments on houses for illegal aliens.

“The California lawmakers just passed a law — it hasn’t been signed by Gov. Newsom (D) — but giving government assistance to undocumented immigrants to buy houses. That’s kind of a different place than the Democratic Party used to be on immigration, is it not? I’m not going to say that’s what the country’s going to do, but that’s certainly where California is,” Maher stated.

Pelosi stunned Maher by arguing that taxpayers funding houses for illegal aliens met the dictionary definition of the American dream.

“Well, it’s not free housing, it’s the American Dream being available to more people.” Pelosi added. “California’s always in the lead, maybe others will follow that lead, but that’s up to those states. But we’re very blessed here with beautiful diversity of our –.” Pelosi said before a befuddled Maher interjected.

“So, you’d vote for this law,” Maher wondered.

Pelosi then tried to avoid the specifics of the law while not backing down from the idea of creating new magnets for illegal immigration.

“I’m not familiar with exactly what that is, but making the American Dream of home ownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are here now –” Pelosi stated.

Maher tried to make sure Pelosi understood what he was asking.

“This is for the undocumented,” Maher replied.

Pelosi not only made it clear that she understood what Maher was asking, but that she was prepared to go even farther.

“Well, what I would like to do is move them to documented,” Pelosi said, admitting the entire goal was to give amnesty to illegal aliens.

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats aren’t confused about this goal 

Pelosi told Maher that amnesty would allow illegal aliens to participate in the entire American society and economy.

“One of the best things that we can do for our economy is to pass comprehensive immigration reform, so that all of these people are participating more fully in our economy, contributing to it, contributing to Social Security, contributing in every way to it,” Pelosi added.

Amnesty for illegal aliens doesn’t just mean paying taxes.

Amnesty for illegal aliens means citizenship and voting rights.

Nancy Pelosi’s ultimate goal is one thing and one thing only.

And that is turning 20 million illegal aliens into Democrat Party voters.

Creating a new entitlement of free housing for illegal aliens is designed to create a new magnet to lure in millions more illegal aliens, who Democrats hope to one day grant amnesty to.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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