Hillary Clinton went past the point of no return with this sick insult of Trump supporters

Oct 29, 2024

Hillary Clinton will never not be a political albatross for the Democrats.

Now all hell is breaking loose after what Clinton just said.

And Hillary Clinton went past the point of no return with this sick insult of Trump supporters.

Hillary Clinton reprises “basket of deplorables” gaffe 

Many political observers believe that Hillary Clinton calling half of all Trump supporters irredeemable racists cost her the 2016 election.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it,” Clinton said at a fundraiser at the time.

“And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America,” Clinton added.

Behind closed doors, Clinton thought she could speak freely and unleashed her contempt for her fellow Americans.

The backlash helped elect Donald Trump President a few weeks later.

With less than two weeks to go before Election Day 2024, Clinton recreated her “deplorables” blunder.

Clinton appeared on left-wing CNN host Kaitlan Collins’ show, where she doubled down on the “Trump loves Hitler” hoax that the media invented and which Kamala Harris adopted as her closing argument to voters.

The reason the “basket of deplorables” comment was so damaging was because there is nothing that comes off worse in politics than when politicians attack the voters.

Clinton went on to compare the Trump supporters attending Trump’s October 27 rally at Madison Square Garden to the people who attended an infamous Nazi Party rally held at the Garden in 1939.

“One other thing that you’ll see next week, Kaitlan, is Trump actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939. I write about this in my book,” Clinton ranted. “President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that neo-Nazis, fascists in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany. So I don’t think we can ignore it.” 

“Now, it may be a leap for some people and a lot of others may think, ‘I don’t want to go there. I don’t want to say that.’ But please open your eyes to the danger that this man poses to our country, because I think it is clear and present for anybody paying attention,” Clinton added.

A doomed to fail strategy 

Polls continue to show that Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is voters don’t know what she stands for or how she would govern if elected President.

Time is a campaign’s most valuable resource.

And Kamala Harris and her allies are spending the little time they have remaining in the 2024 election smearing Donald Trump and his supporters as Nazis, instead of addressing voters’ concerns about how electing Kamala Harris would improve their lives.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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