Trey Gowdy was blown away by this confession about Joe Biden

Jun 26, 2024

Former South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy thought he had heard it all.

But nothing could have prepared him for what happened in his recent appearance on Fox News.

And Trey Gowdy was blown away by this confession about Joe Biden.

Joe Biden’s age dominates 2024 campaign 

Viral clips of Joe Biden acting lost, his brain shutting down, or Biden walking frighteningly slowly rocketed concerns about Joe Biden’s physical and mental state to the top of the minds of the American public.

Americans are seriously wondering what it would mean to return a President to office who will be 86 years old at the end of his second term.

Joe Biden’s senility was on display in the 2020 campaign.

But the rapid pace of his decline leads many to question how he could serve a full term if re-elected.

Trey Gowdy asked former Hillary Clinton advisor Philippe Reines if Democrats were at the point now that the only way to salvage the 2024 election was to replace Joe Biden as the candidate.

“I am sure that there are Democrats who affirmatively want President Biden to win but I’m also sure there are Democrats that want Trump to lose. Is there any combination of bad polling or concerns of acuity that can theoretically lead to the selection of a new candidate? Or is it definitely going to be Biden versus Trump no matter what?” Gowdy began.

Gowdy wondered if any Democrat delegates to the national convention would actually want to go along with that plan since Biden can make the argument he’s the only one to ever defeat Donald Trump.

 “It is fantastical or magical thinking to think that 4,200 or 4,500 Democratic National Convention delegates would agree that today is Sunday, let alone to agree to switch our candidates. Why would we switch? Joe Biden is the only person to beat Donald Trump,” Gowdy concluded.

Democrats stand by Biden

Reines knows the idea of trying to ditch Biden at this stage of the game and force a new candidate to build out a campaign from scratch is a foolhardy idea.

But Reines isn’t even trying to defend Biden.

“He is the guy and I agree with Doctor Wright, this is an optics issue more than anything else, not that I’m dismissing the severity of an optics issue but there’s a third factor here on top of age, because they are identical in age, and mental acuity as Doctor Wright said they both have their lapses, there is flat out health – that we never talked about,” Reines began.

“Going back to 2015, Donald Trump forged a doctor’s note like some of us did when we were in fourth grade. I certainly did. He basically deceived America or certainly was nontransparent when he went to Walter Reed hospital for no reason, until said it was a colonoscopy that he decided to do unscheduled. There are multiple aspects to this,” Reines added.

In fact, Reines all but conceded that Biden is an invalid.

But what Reines tried to pull is saying that Donald Trump’s age is showing signs of senior moments and thus cancels out Biden’s cognitive failures.

“If this was about who is healthier or cognitive… whose age… [then] everyone is out of luck we should not have nominated these two guys, but we did. They were each the oldest when they were elected,” Reines continued.

“This is who they are. They are each going to be, no matter who wins, really old when they are elected. Eighty, they should not [even] be driving cars, and thankfully they’re not – that does not mean they can’t be good presidents,” Reines concluded.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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