Whoopi Goldberg cheered the awful way CNN just censored Donald Trump

Whoopi Goldberg cheered the awful way CNN just censored Donald Trump

Ahead of the big debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, CNN showed its true colors. Liberals were high fiving one another. And Whoopi Goldberg cheered the awful way CNN just censored Donald Trump. CNN host ends interview after Trump campaign spokeswoman blasts the...

George Soros has one scary plan to take Sean Hannity off the air

George Soros has one scary plan to take Sean Hannity off the air

Ever since the debut of the Rush Limbaugh show in 1988, conservatives have dominated talk radio. That all may be coming to an end. And now George Soros has one scary plan to take Sean Hannity off the air. Soros Management Fund buys stake in Audacy network  Audacy is...

Democrats prepared this secret plan to replace Joe Biden

Democrats prepared this secret plan to replace Joe Biden

Democrats aren’t blind to the fact that polls show Joe Biden losing to Donald Trump. The Left has a plan b option in its back pocket. And Democrats prepared this secret plan to replace Joe Biden. Calls to replace Joe Biden Joe Biden’s poll numbers are in the danger...

Joe Biden launched this chilling attack on the Supreme Court

Joe Biden launched this chilling attack on the Supreme Court

Other than Donald Trump, there is no greater hate figure to the Left than the Supreme Court. But Democrats loathing of the court’s conservative majority is going to dangerous levels. And now Joe Biden launched this chilling attack on the Supreme Court. Joe Biden’s...

You won’t believe why police arrested this key Joe Biden ally

You won’t believe why police arrested this key Joe Biden ally

Another Democrat run in with the law ended as a national embarrassment. The fact pattern had a familiar ring to it. And you won’t believe why police arrested this key Joe Biden ally. Democrat arrested for race hoax  Last fall, Taral Patel – the Democrat candidate for...

Jen Psaki made a bad mistake when she insulted these military families

Jen Psaki made a bad mistake when she insulted these military families

Jen Psaki experienced many lowlights in her time as White House press secretary. But her worst moment may have come after she left her position. And Jen Psaki made a bad mistake when she insulted these military families. Jen Psaki calls Gold Star families liars  Jen...

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The media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past

The media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past

Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democrat Party nominee for President. And her allies in the press are now in full propaganda mode. And the media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past. Media bias straight out of the Soviet Union  The press is trying...