The media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past

Jul 26, 2024

Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democrat Party nominee for President.

And her allies in the press are now in full propaganda mode.

And the media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past.

Media bias straight out of the Soviet Union 

The press is trying to erase embarrassing facts from Kamala Harris’ past that confirm the Trump campaign’s attacks on Harris as a dangerous and radical leftist.

Axios set off a firestorm by falsely claiming Kamala Harris was never Joe Biden’s border czar.

When social media users pointed out that Axios published multiple articles in 2021 specifically referring to Harris as the administration’s border czar, Axios then rewrote history to make it appear like that never happened.

Axios included an editor’s note on the article claiming Harris was never the border czar.

“Editor’s note: This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a “border czar” in 2021,” the note read.

Now GovTrack is in on the act.

The “about us” section on Govtrack’s website states, “We publish the status of federal legislation, information about your representative and senators in Congress including voting records, and original research on legislation. We’re one of the oldest government transparency websites in the world.”

But GovTrack deleted an entry from 2019 listing Kamala Harris as the most liberal senator.

Harris was ranked as even more liberal than Bernie Sanders.

GovTrack deleting the record of Harris having the most left-wing record in the Senate flies in the face of GovTrack’s claim that “we never misrepresent or exclude information to favor one side of an issue before Congress. We never side for or against any policy, politician, or organization — except policies that further or hinder our mission as described in this charter.”

Why GovTrack deleted the record of Harris being the most liberal Senator 

The Trump campaign is pummeling Harris with ads about how recklessly liberal she is.

Harris supports open borders, free taxpayer funded healthcare for illegal aliens, restricting red meat consumption, confiscating firearms, and eliminating the oil and natural gas industries.

GovTrack’s ranking of Harris as the most liberal Senator in America is a data point that confirms the Trump campaign’s attacks.

But GovTrack – like Axios – thinks it can just erase and rewrite history as it pleases, like it’s the party from George Orwell’s 1984.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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