Democrats humiliated Joe Biden in one final way

Democrats humiliated Joe Biden in one final way

Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat Party bosses publicly embarrassed Joe Biden by taking the Presidency away from him. But there was a final insult to come. And it's now clear Democrats planned to humiliate Joe Biden in one final way. Democrats bump Joe Biden from...

The camera caught Jill Biden in this awkward position

The camera caught Jill Biden in this awkward position

First Lady Jill Biden reportedly wanted Joe Biden to fight to the end to remain the Democratic Party nominee for President. But the coup plotters succeeded. And on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, the camera caught Jill Biden in this awkward...

A CNN host laughed at Joe Biden over this final humiliation

A CNN host laughed at Joe Biden over this final humiliation

The first night of the Democratic Party’s convention was supposed to be all about Joe Biden. But it ended up being something else altogether. And a CNN host laughed at Joe Biden over this final humiliation. Democrats knew they had to get Biden addressing the...

A top ally delivered Kamala Harris this awful reality check

A top ally delivered Kamala Harris this awful reality check

The media wants the American people to buy the notion that Kamala Harris is cruising towards a landslide win over Donald Trump. But Harris got some bad news. And a top ally delivered Kamala Harris this awful reality check. Internal Kamala Harris polling numbers don’t...

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Fox News stabbed Donald Trump in the back in one horrible way

Fox News stabbed Donald Trump in the back in one horrible way

Kamala Harris was already getting enough help from the media in trying to beat Donald Trump. Now it looks like Fox News is on her side as well. And Fox News stabbed Donald Trump in the back in one horrible way. Kamala Harris wants the election to be a referendum on...

A major TV star stunned Kamala Harris over this big lie

A major TV star stunned Kamala Harris over this big lie

Kamala Harris got a free ride for the first month of her campaign. But the honeymoon period is over. And now a major TV star just stunned Kamala Harris when he called her out for this big lie. Kamala Harris takes heat for taxpayer funded housing scheme  More and more...