One smoking gun just proved Donald Trump right about 2020

Jun 28, 2024

The 2020 election was one of the most controversial in history.

Donald Trump’s facing criminal charges at the state and federal level for contesting the results.

But one smoking gun just proved Donald Trump right about 2020.

Top CIA officials approved of the Hunter Biden laptop letter 

The Joe Biden campaign infamously organized the letter signed by 51 former intelligence community officials falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was the product of Russian disinformation.

This letter affected the outcome of the election in two ways.

First, it allowed Facebook and Twitter to censor The New York Post’s reporting on the laptop.

Second, it let the media ignore the evidence of Joe Biden’s role in an alleged foreign influence peddling scheme and hide Biden’s corruption from the voters.

The Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Government found the truth was even worse.

Top CIA officials, including then-Director Gina Haspel, knew about the letter and approved of its publication.

Since individuals on the letter were CIA contractors at the time, the CIA had the opportunity to review and vet the letter.

“High ranking CIA officials, up to and including then-CIA Director Gina Haspel, were made aware of the Hunter Biden statement prior to its approval and publication. Because several former senior intelligence officials signed the statement, the PCRB sent the draft statement to the CIA’s then-Chief Operating Officer (COO) Andrew Makridis, who said he subsequently informed then-Director Haspel or then Deputy Director Vaughn Frederick Bishop that the statement would be published soon,” the committee’s report read.

“Senior CIA leadership had an opportunity at that time to slow down the CIA’s process for reviewing publication submissions and ensure that such an extraordinary statement was properly vetted,” the report added.

Haspel and other top CIA officials took no action and allowed a letter the FBI knew to be false to enter into the 2020 election discourse.

Election interference by the CIA 

Donald Trump always says there was a deep state working against him.

The committee report revealed Trump was right as CIA employees viewed the letter as political interference in the election.

Some inside the agency worried that allowing past officials and current contractors – like former CIA Director Michael Morell – to sign such a letter served to act as an official CIA endorsement of Joe Biden’s campaign.

“After publication of the Hunter Biden statement, CIA employees internally expressed concern about the statement’s politicized content, acknowledging it was not ‘helpful to the Agency in the long run.’ At least one employee found it ‘[i]nteresting to see what was submitted and approved’ when discussing media talking points that the statement’s co-author, former Senior Intelligence Service Officer Marc Polymeropoulos, submitted related to the statement,” the report stated.

The report found that some inside the CIA raised alarms about one of the signatories who submitted media talking points for review – Senior Intelligence Service Officer Marc Polymeropoulos – was working on behalf of the Biden campaign and disclosing classified information.

“When discussing Polymeropoulos’s talking points, another CIA official stated, ‘It appears [Polymeropoulos] is actively involved in a pro-Biden campaign and may be disclosing classified information in his efforts.’ The CIA’s internal review board, known as the Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB), determined that Polymeropoulos’s talking points contained classified information that had to be removed prior to publication,” the report read.

The truth about the letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation is now even more insidious than first thought.

Both the Justice Department and the FBI knew the accusation that the laptop was foreign propaganda was untrue.

No one in either agency spoke out.

And now Americans are learning that Deep State actors within the CIA also could have stopped this hoax letter from being published.

Yet the top of the agency was conspiring against Donald Trump’s re-election.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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