Joe Biden can use the military in this terrible way to stop Trump in November

Jun 14, 2024

Democrats are growing more desperate about Joe Biden’s prospects of defeating Donald Trump.

But Biden has one ace up his sleeve.

And Joe Biden can use the military in this terrible way to stop Trump in November.

Biden can use Generals as propaganda allies

One hallmark of banana republics in the fusion between the military and the ruling regime.

The Founding Fathers set up the military to be under civilian control so it could never operate as a junta or act as a political police force.

Liberals are happy to throw that norm out the window – like they are happy to burn down every other Constitutional norm such as not weaponizing the justice system to target political opponents – if it means defeating Donald Trump.

Morning Joe regular Donny Deutsch showed just how deep in madness the left is descending when during a recent appearance Deutsch begged the military to intervene in the election on Joe Biden’s behalf.

“Contrast is everything in this election,” Deutsch stated.

Deutsch beseeched woke generals to actively campaign for Biden and smear Trump as a draft dodger, despite the fact that Biden received five deferments during Vietnam. 

“And I think the military is the greatest example to show the contrast between two men. You see Donald Trump who, you know, got off, didn’t serve because of bunions and allegedly told John Kelly, his chief of staff … as they were in a cemetery looking at fallen heroes, ‘why would any person be a sucker and give their life for their country?’ And that’s all you need to know about Donald Trump,” Deutsch stated.

Deutsch referenced the false story published in The Atlantic in September 2020, incorrectly claiming Trump refused to visit a cemetery where heroes from D-Day were buried because he didn’t want the wind to blow his hair out of place.

The story also claimed Trump called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers.”

The Atlantic story falls apart

Sources went on the record to dispute the anonymous claims published by The Atlantic.

Lt. General Keith Kellogg served as Vice President Mike Pence’s national security advisor and said The Atlantic’s story was “false.”

The Atlantic story is completely false. Absolutely lacks merit. I’ve been by the President’s side. He has always shown the highest respect to our active duty troops and veterans with utmost respect paid to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and those wounded in battle,” Kellogg said.

Trump critic John Bolton wrote in his book that Trump didn’t visit the D-Day cemetery because of bad weather and Secret Service concerns about security.

A demand for woke generals to mobilize against Trump

Deutsch name-checked a familiar band of anti-Trump Generals, including woke former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, John Kelly, H.R. McMaster and Jim Mattis to campaign against Trump.

“I think the most compelling advertising campaign would be centered around the military,” he continued. “If we got Mattis, McMaster, Milley and Kelly, to go to screen and say, ‘look this country cannot stand Donald Trump. The defense of this country will not stand Donald Trump. We are great Americans. We believe in the country. We trust this country. We know this country. You can’t vote for Donald Trump.’ I think the military is the secret weapon in this election and I hope those ads come to fruition,” Deutsch concluded.

Americans respect and trust the military.

That’s why there are strict rules in place to prevent members of the military from engaging in political activity while in uniform.

But Deutsch’s idea that Biden should enlist generals in his re-election campaign would be the easiest way ever to erode faith in the military if half the country thinks the armed forces leadership considers them a threat to democracy.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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