Clint Eastwood just made this heartbreaking announcement

Clint Eastwood just made this heartbreaking announcement

Clint Eastwood is one of the true legends of Hollywood. Eastwood’s been a star since the late 1960s. But now Clint Eastwood just made this heartbreaking announcement. Clint Eastwood announces the death of his longtime partner Clint Eastwood stunned fans and the...

What happened during the national anthem will leave you red with rage

What happened during the national anthem will leave you red with rage

Every American sporting event begins with the playing of the national anthem. Unfortunately this isn’t without controversy. And what happened during the national anthem will leave you red with rage. Worst national anthem rendition ever Major League Baseball’s Home Run...

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The media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past

The media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past

Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democrat Party nominee for President. And her allies in the press are now in full propaganda mode. And the media is hiding this ugly secret from Kamala Harris’ past. Media bias straight out of the Soviet Union  The press is trying...