A CNN host shook her head in disbelief over learning this dark secret about Kamala Harris

Sep 12, 2024

No candidate ever sheltered themselves more from press or voters than Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris is running her version of Joe Biden’s hiding in the basement strategy.

But now a CNN host shook her head in disbelief over learning this dark secret about Kamala Harris.

CNN stunned to find out how radical Kamala Harris really is 

CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski dug up a questionnaire Kamala Harris filled out for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 2019 during her failed Presidential campaign.

In that race, Kamala Harris didn’t want to get outflanked to her left.

To prevent that, Kamala Harris took a number of far-left positions on decriminalizing all drugs at the national level, defunding ICE and forcing taxpayers to fund transgender surgeries for illegal aliens.

Kaczynski described just how far-left Kamala Harris was willing to run to win the Democrat Party nomination.

“And I want to walk our viewers through a little bit of what she said. Let’s just take immigration and look at what she said here. She said on immigration, she made this open-ended pledge to end immigrant detention. She said she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants. She also said she-” Kaczynski began before a dumbfounded Erin Burnett cut him off.

Burnett couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants? She actually said she supported that?” Burnett asked.

Burnett went on to say it would be nearly impossible to believe a Presidential candidate would support taxpayer funded transgender surgeries for illegal aliens except for the fact that Kamala Harris put it all in writing.

“I mean, these are these are things that, you know, it would be hard to think that you would come up with — taxpayer funding gender transitions for detained migrants,” Burnett added. “And yet, as you say, written and and verbally. You know, what else did you find?”

Kamala Harris’ radical promises

Kamala Harris didn’t stop at taxpayer funded transgender surgeries for illegal aliens.

Kaczynski went on to detail how Kamala Harris wanted it known that she was the farthest left candidate to ever run for President.

Kamala Harris pledged to gut immigration enforcement.

“She wrote- both wrote and answered in the affirmative when she was asked this, and she said she also supported it for federal prisoners. Now, she also pledged to slash immigration detention by 50% and close all family and private facilities and decrease funding for ICE. And then the end ending and ICE detainers with local law enforcement,” added Kaczynski.

Kamala Harris kept this promise in her time as border czar.

Kaczynski also told CNN viewers that Kamala Harris supported decriminalizing all drugs including crack, fentanyl and heroin.

This is Kamala Harris’ record.

And it’s also why she’s not keen to talk issues.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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