Barack Obama unleashed a tirade after a top pollster delivered this awful warning

Oct 16, 2024

Barack Obama was mad as hell, and he couldn’t take it anymore.

Obama flew off the handle upon learning the state of affairs in the final month of the election.

And Barack Obama unleashed a tirade after a top pollster delivered this awful warning.

Pollster says momentum with Trump

Insider Advantage pollster Matt Towery told Fox News that – unlike in the closing weeks of the 2020 race – polls show Donald Trump gaining strength.

Quinnipiac’s Rust Belt finding with Trump in the lead in Michigan and Wisconsin were high-profile surveys that sent Democrats reeling.

Trump’s secret strength in the swing states are polls that show him gaining ground with black voters, specifically young black men.

“There is momentum with Trump there wasn’t that momentum in 2020 you end it was quite momentum in 2016. . . .First of all Trump is winning and the state as we see the African American vote really collapse,” Towery began.

An NAACP poll found 25 percent of black men under the age of 50 support Donald Trump.

A Pew poll found Kamala Harris leading 84-13 with black voters, down from Joe Biden’s 84-point margin in 2020.

Towery said this level of support for a GOP Presidential nominee is unprecedented and that the election forecasting models are all missing what’s taking place on the ground.

“Not collapse in a massive, but in a manner never seen among a Democratic nominee before, particularly with Black men. Secondly, he’s gaining among independents and thirdly, the prediction models are all still trying to say that Harris is going to win but they didn’t catch the change momentum that we saw a couple weeks ago and now they are playing catch up,” Towery added.

Barack Obama hints at panic in the Kamala Harris campaign 

You can tell a lot about what a campaign’s own poll numbers are by how the campaign acts.

And the Kamala Harris campaign is clearly in a state of panic.

Kamala Harris spent three months campaigning on abortion, only to suddenly realize men make up half the electorate.

Donald Trump gaining ground with black men is clearly showing up in Kamala Harris’ polling, because the campaign sent Barack Obama to Pennsylvania to scold black men as race traitors and sexists for not supporting Kamala Harris for President out of identity politics loyalty.

Obama admitted black voter enthusiasm for Kamala Harris was down.

“We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities, as we saw when I was running,” Obama began.

“And you’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, I’ve got a problem with that,” Obama ranted.

“Because part of it makes me think – and I’m speaking to men directly – part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and reasons for that,” Obama added.

Obama lectured black men that “the women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time.”

“When we get in trouble and the system isn’t working for us, they’re the ones out there marching and protesting,” Obama added.

Obama tried to shame black male voters by calling them cowards and ignoramuses for backing Trump.

“And now, you’re thinking of sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you, because you think that’s a sign of strength, because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down? That’s not acceptable,” Obama concluded.

Obama is missing the point.

Growing numbers of black voters are turning to Donald Trump because life was more affordable and all Democrats offer are plans for woke ideology that do nothing to improve anyone’s lives.

Out in Pennsylvania, Barack Obama doubled down on the message that was already fracturing Kamala Harris’ coalition.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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