Scott Jennings revealed on CNN that Kamala Harris walked into this giant trap Donald Trump set

Oct 2, 2024

Kamala Harris tried to neutralize one of her biggest political weaknesses.

That turned out to be a bad mistake.

And Scott Jennings revealed on CNN that Kamala Harris walked into this giant trap Donald Trump set.

Kamala Harris’ border trip backfires 

Kamala Harris’ tenure as the border czar is one of her political Achilles Heels.

For three and a half years, Kamala Harris ignored the border crisis as 10,000,000 illegal aliens marched into the country.

In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt in 2021, Kamala Harris even dismissed the idea of visiting the border.

“And I haven’t been to Europe,” Kamala snidely responded to Holt’s question about her having not traveled to the border to personally take stock of the chaos she unleashed.

But with five weeks left until Election Day, Kamala Harris finally had time to visit the border.

Kamala Harris traveled to the swing state of Arizona, where she acted like a born again border hawk, claiming that as President she would push further restrictions to hold illegal border crossings to below 1,500 per day and support legislation to make it a felony to illegally enter the country multiple times.

Of course, when Kamala Harris ran for President in 2020, she promised to decriminalize illegal immigration and, once she assumed the Office of the Vice President in the Biden-Harris administration, she put her open borders agenda into action.

When CNN discussed the Kamala Harris trip to the border, liberal commentator Van Jones claimed Republican strategist and fellow CNN contributor Scott Jennings must have loved the fact that Kamala Harris visited the border and allegedly showed she was different from Joe Biden.

Scott Jennings ridicules the border trip

Jennings didn’t take the bait.

Instead, Jennings questioned why Kamala Harris’ handlers scheduled a trip to the border at all, comparing it to an “arsonist” returning to the scene of the house they burned down.

“I love brother Van, as he knows, I mean that, I love him like a brother, but no. There’ll be no love from me or Republicans for Kamala Harris today. In fact, I think the Trump campaign line today ought to be ‘arsonist returns to the scene of crime,’” Jennings stated.

Jennings explained that Kamala Harris ignored the border for three-and-a-half years, and this visit only called attention to the bombshell report that, as border czar, Kamala Harris allowed 13,000 convicted murders and 16,000 illegal aliens convicted of violent sexual crimes into America.

“I mean, look at the last three-and-a-half years, we’ve got – the border has effectively been opened. People flowing across. ICE today released information that there are 13,000 noncitizens convicted of homicide and almost 16,000 noncitizens convicted of some kind of sexual crime who are in the country right now,” Jennings continued.

Jennings questioned the wisdom of Kamala Harris elevating immigration since the public knew her record as border czar and polls showed the border was one of Donald Trump’s strongest issues.

“Only because we’re in the shadow of an election is Kamala Harris trying to rush and pay some lip service to this issue as a tactical matter, Anderson. I don’t think Harris should be trying to elevate this issue because this is the best ground from which Donald Trump has to fight. So no, I think the Harris campaign is making a tactical mistake and I think they have very little to say that the American people are going to buy on this today,” Jennings added.

Kamala Harris’ handlers deep down agreed with Jennings.

That’s why they scheduled the border trip for late on a Friday.

That ensured it would get enough coverage to drown out the bombshell report by ICE that Kamala Harris imported nearly 700,000 criminal illegal aliens into the country, but not so much that it wouldn’t still ultimately get lost in all the weekend news and football scores.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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