Fani Willis gasped in horror after a Judge hit her with this catastrophic defeat

Sep 16, 2024

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is on quite the losing streak.

Willis was already under fire for a sex scandal that nearly got her kicked off the witch hunt against Donald Trump.

And now Fani Willis gasped in horror after a Judge hit her with this catastrophic defeat.

Judge throws out two more charges against Donald Trump

Fani Willis’ prosecution of Donald Trump already faced multiple problems.

Beyond the fact that Willis’ criminal charges were blatantly unconstitutional and amounted to criminalizing Donald Trump for asking for recounts and preserving his legal options to contest an election in court, Willis stepped on numerous legal land mines.

Judge Scott McAfee already threw out three charges against Trump that Willis filed over shoddy legal work by Willis’ office in not specifying the law Trump broke in the indictment.

Willis also faces oral arguments next month in the Georgia Court of Appeals over a motion to disqualify her from the case over a conflict of interest stemming from allegations she financially benefited from hiring her lover to work the Trump case.

The latest gut punch to the sham indictment Willis filed against Trump came when Judge McAfee threw out two more charges Willis brought against Trump involving the so-called “fake electors” scheme.

“The charges in question — filing false documents, attempting to file false documents and criminally conspiring to file false documents — primarily relate to the meeting of 16 Trump electors on Dec. 14, 2020, to cast electoral votes for the incumbent president even though he lost the state. The electors signed certificates that were mailed to the National Archives, Congress and federal court, actions that Willis said amounted to forgery,” the Washington Post reported.

Judge McAfee held that Willis had no authority to enforce federal law.

“The Supremacy Clause declares that state law must yield to federal law when the two conflict,” McAfee’s ruling read.

Trump’s lawyer Steve Sadow said this was a good start, but they would keep up the fight until this entire bogus indictment got tossed.

“President Trump and his legal team in Georgia have prevailed once again,” Sadow wrote on social media. “The trial court has decided that counts 15 and 27 in the indictment must be quashed/dismissed.” 

A blueprint Judge Merchan should have followed

Judge McAfee understands the obvious, which is that county prosecutors have no legal or constitutional basis to enforce federal law.

Had Judge Juan Merchan followed the law instead of his partisan instincts, he would come to the same conclusion as Judge McAfee and threw out Alvin Bragg’s cockamamie falsification of business records indictment. 

Merchan let his hatred for Trump overwhelm him.

Had Merchan followed the law and the Constitution he would have ruled – as Judge McAfee did – that Alvin Bragg had no authority to backdoor federal campaign finance charges against Donald Trump and laughed the indictment out of his courtroom.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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