Hunter Biden said one word in court that no one saw coming

Sep 10, 2024

Hunter Biden faces decades behind bars.

This scandal took a shocking term.

And Hunter Biden said one word in court that no one saw coming.

Hunter Biden pleads guilty 

On the day jury selection was set to begin in his federal tax evasion trial, Hunter Biden tapped out.

Biden took prosecutors and federal Judge Mark Scarsi by surprise when he pleaded guilty to nine counts of tax crimes.

Judge Scarsi asked Hunter Biden if he understood that he faced up to 20 years in prison.

Hunter Biden said yes.

This now means Hunter Biden is a felon on gun and tax charges.

The Judge set sentencing for December 16, more than a month after the election.

Hunter Biden’s statement

Following the guilty plea, Hunter Biden released a statement claiming he was the victim in this case.

“I went to trial in Delaware not realizing the anguish it would cause my family, and I will not put them through it again. When it became clear to me that the same prosecutors were focused not on justice but on dehumanizing me for my actions during my addiction, there was only one path left for me,” Hunter Biden began.

Hunter Biden ignored the fact that the only reason he was on trial was because a federal Judge rejected an unconstitutional sweetheart plea deal the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden Justice Department put together that would have allowed Hunter Biden to skate with no jail time.

Hunter Biden then tried to position his guilty plea as a noble sacrifice to spare his family pain and embarrassment.

“I will not subject my family to more pain, more invasions of privacy and needless embarrassment. For all I have put them through over the years, I can spare them this, and so I have decided to plead guilty,” Hunter Biden added.

Will Hunter Biden get a pardon?

No one believes Hunter Biden will spend one single day in prison.

Hunter Biden’s guilty plea takes his trail off the table, which has Kamala Harris breathing a sigh of relief as now she can avoid all questions about Hunter Biden’s legal woes and any potential for a pardon until after the voters have their say.

Kamala Harris spokesman Ian Sams refused to rule out pardoning Hunter Biden.

But the post-election sentencing date makes this whole deal smell fishy.

Joe Biden has also claimed he won’t pardon or commute Hunter Biden’s sentence.

But there is zero chance Joe Biden will let his only surviving son sit in prison until he’s 70.

Pushing the sentencing until after the election allows Joe Biden time to flip flop and pardon Hunter without it reflecting on Kamala Harris.

A post-election pardon means Kamala Harris won’t have to answer questions about why Joe Biden pardoned his own son while the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden Justice Department is trying to jail Kamala Harris’ political opponent.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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