John Kennedy shut down Kamala Harris with these three words

Sep 9, 2024

Kamala Harris stepped in it this time.

Senator John Kennedy didn’t like what he was hearing at all.

And John Kennedy shut down Kamala Harris with these three words.

Kamala Harris exploits tragedy to call for more gun control

Gun grabbers love to exploit tragedy.

The aftermath of a school shooting is the one time they can go on offense as they exploit the raw feelings of helplessness to deploy emotional blackmail to try and bully Republicans into caving in on new gun control.

It was no different following an act of madness in Georgia where a 14-year-old suspect allegedly killed four and wounded at least nine at Winder’s Apalachee High School.

Kamala Harris seized on the bloodshed to allude to politicizing the event for new gun control.

Kamala was sure to avoid any specific new gun grabs as Kamala’s handlers don’t want her taking policy as any new firm stances on how she would govern turns this election into a referendum on Kamala Harris.

Senator Kennedy responds

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) responded in typical fashion during an interview with Newsmax’s Greta Van Susteren.

Kennedy said what happened in Windsor was obviously a tragedy.

“It’s horrible. We’ve had a number of mass shootings this year,” Kennedy began.

But Kennedy pointed out there are thousands of laws on the books to stop madmen from shedding blood and new gun laws wouldn’t accomplish anything.

What Kennedy said American needed is “more idiot control.”

“I don’t think the answer is more laws. We’ve got hundreds, maybe thousands of gun control laws on the books. I don’t think we need more gun control. What we need, obviously, in my opinion, is more idiot control,” Kennedy added.

Kennedy said there were no good answers in a country of more than 300 million people, but that gun control wasn’t it.

“I don’t know how to control people who are sick or just evil in a free country as big as the United States of America, over 300 million people,” Kennedy continued. 

“You can just do the best you can,” Kennedy stated.

Kennedy said in most of these tragedies it’s easy to look back and see that this was coming.

“When we look back with 20/20 hindsight, in many cases, the people who perpetuate these crimes, you say, Well, it should have been obvious,” Kennedy said.

And in this case, the FBI knew back in 2023 that the suspect stood accused of threatening a school shooting.

Instead of taking action, the FBI kept investigating Trump supporters for January 6.

Kennedy mocked his Democrat colleagues, who seize on every tragedy as a chance to gut the Second Amendment.

“There are large swaths of my colleagues in Washington, D.C., who think the answer is to get rid of the Second Amendment; they would solve drunk driving by getting rid of all sober drivers. And I don’t think the Second Amendment allows that,” Kennedy told Van Susteren.

But Kennedy again explained that the real problem was “idiot control.”

“We can pass more laws, but we’ve [already] got plenty of laws. I don’t think we’ve got a gun control problem. It’s an idiot control problem,” Kennedy concluded.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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