What Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said about Clarence Thomas will make your blood boil

Jun 17, 2024

Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez designated herself as the Democrat Party’s number one attack dog to go after the Supreme Court.

Ocasio-Cortez is unleashing hell on the conservative majority.

And what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said about Clarence Thomas will make your blood boil.

The Supreme Court is public enemy number one to the Left

During a House Oversight Committee hearing, Ocasio-Cortez flew into an extended rant tying in every deranged conspiracy theory about the conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

Ocasio-Cortez attacked Federalist Society founder Leonard Leo for running effective 501c(4) nonprofits, the same type of groups that George Soros funds, as an evil puppet master who installed conservative ideologues on the Court without disclosing the source of his funding.

The only reason Ocasio-Cortez wants to know who funds the Federalist Society is so leftist militias can target the donors at their homes and boycott their businesses to try and ruin them financially.

Ocasio-Cortez then picked up on the false hit pieces in liberal media outlets, creating the misleading impression that conservative justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas were supposedly “corrupt” because they followed Supreme Court protocol on what gifts and travel expenses they did and didn’t have to disclose.

These billionaires hatched a plan to use massive floods of anonymous donations, political obfuscation and outright gifts and ethics violations to reshape the Court. And so far to this day, they have experienced success.

Ocasio-Cortez escalates the smear campaign against Justices Thomas and Alito

Ocasio-Cortez tried to pretend this fake scandal invented by liberals in the press whose only mission is to delegitimize the Supreme Court was a real scandal and slimed Thomas “comical” in his supposed “corruption.

“Let’s be clear Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are deeply subject to and are exacting the agenda of these billionaires, and they act like it. Just look at Clarence Thomas, whose corruption is almost comical,” Ocasio-Cortez added.

Ocasio-Cortez then attacked Republican donors Paul Singer, Charles Koch and Harlan Crow as the alleged bag men behind this scheme to buy the Supreme Court.

There is no evidence the three ever discussed a case with Thomas and Alito.

And there is no evidence Koch, Crow, or Singer ever had a case before the Court when they took Thomas and Alito on trips.

But Ocasio-Cortez claimed without citing any evidence that this was the case.

“Secret trips to retreats, international vacations on super yachts, and private jet jaunts to New Haven for an afternoon. Here in Congress, we are forbidden from receiving gifts that exceed $50. But Justice Thomas has received more than $4 million in gifts, largely undisclosed since joining the Court,” Ocasio-Cortez ranted.

“And worse, it appears to be working. He is currently primed to overturn his own 2005 doctrine, so he can side with Charles Koch’s network and their oil and gas interests. The same Charles Koch who he secretly vacationed with at the retreat,” Ocasio-Cortez exclaimed.

Liberal justices take trips and accept gifts, but the media doesn’t report on this fact because it would undercut Ocasio-Cortez’s tirade.

And why did Ocasio-Cortez think conservative donors wanted to allegedly purchase the loyalty of a majority of justices on the Supreme Court?

To ban abortion as part of a master plan to maintain the patriarchy.

“So why was it abortion? Why was the threat of women having freedom powerful enough to bring down our whole system of judicial ethics and cripple one of the three co-equal branches of government?” Ocasio-Cortez stated.

“That is because these rich and powerful men are in an existential fight for a status quo that enshrines their power and places them above, above the American public in the rules,” Ocasio-Cortez concluded.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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