Tucker Carlson warned J.D. Vance about this big threat to Donald Trump

Sep 25, 2024

The 2024 election is like nothing anyone has ever seen.

There’s been a coup, multiple assassination attempts, and a rigged debate.

And now the worst may be yet to come as Tucker Carlson warned J.D. Vance about this big threat to Donald Trump.

Tucker Carlson predicts military will stage a coup if Trump wins 

Tucker Carlson told Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, that he wasn’t worried about a repeat of the 2020 election where Democrats deployed online censorship and a massive ballot harvesting operation to install Joe Biden in the White House.

“They’ve already sort of marshaled the ballot harvesting operation, which, of course, is the story of 2020. It’s not like, you know, it’s not ballot machines were hacked into. The story of 2020 is that they really, you know, turned on this ballot harvesting machine and they used, of course, Big Tech to silence stories that were negative about Joe Biden,” Carlson began.

But Carlson explained to Vance that Democrats no longer had the power to pull off such a scheme thanks to Elon Musk purchasing Twitter and election integrity changes in key states like Georgia.

“They’re certainly going to do that again,” Carlson stated. “I just don’t see any evidence that these people are like controlling the puppet strings and they’re going to do everything that they can. They are going to do everything that they can, but it’s not that much. So right now, yeah, I think Donald Trump’s going to be the next president.”

Carlson expressed concern about what would happen after Trump won the election and if the woke military officers Kamala Harris put in key places would block Trump from taking power.

“And if he gets elected president once again, do you think they will accept that?” Carlson inquired. “Are you concerned? They’ve spent the last ten years taking full control of the U.S. Military.”

This isn’t an insignificant concern.

During the 2020 election, the woke then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, reportedly called his counterpart in Communist China and promised to deliver a heads up if Donald Trump issued a lawful order for the U.S. Military to attack China.

After the events of January 6, Milley staged what many viewed as a coup when he pledged to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that he would stop Trump from ordering a nuclear strike.

What Worries J.D. Vance

Vance told Carlson that he too wasn’t worried about the vote and predicted Donald Trump would win the election.

And Vance revealed that his main worry would be that when Donald Trump wins, the Deep State tries to marshal its power to overturn the results of the election like the FBI did with the Russia collusion hoax.

“So that’s what worries me. So you hear all this talk about threats to democracy, right? And the biggest threat to democracy in this country is not like Donald Trump using legal maneuvers to challenge the 2020 election. The biggest threat to democracy is that the bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. is fundamentally misaligned with at least half the country, right? So what I worry less about is like, ‘Are they going to let Trump win?’” Vance added.

“Well, it’s not going to be easy, but I actually do sitting here right now, Maybe I’m wrong, but I do feel very confident that Trump’s going to be elected president, that he will be president. I think the real fight is going to be when he becomes president and he tries to do things. They’re going to take him down and try to take him down in a very big way,” Vance stated.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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