The Supreme Court presented Democrats with this nightmare scenario

Jun 19, 2024

Democrats got some bad news.

Supreme Court Justices are considering the case that could drive a stake through the heart of the Left’s number one goal.

And the Supreme Court presented Democrats with this nightmare scenario.

Supreme Court looks to take up key global warming case 

The Left’s war on American energy trickled down to the state level.

Joe Biden has issued every executive order possible to destroy the oil and natural gas industry.

Now Democrats at the local level picked up the baton.

The city of Honolulu sued major oil companies, demanding billions of dollars in damages to compensate for the effects of global warming that fossil fuels supposedly brought about.

In one of the most absurd decisions of all time, the Hawaii State Supreme Court allowed the lawsuit to go to trial.

One of the justices claimed the constitution meant whatever the liberals on the court felt like writing that “the Aloha Spirit inspires constitutional interpretation.”

Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald claimed energy companies knowingly perpetrated a fraud on the public which resulted in billions of dollars in damages to Hawaii’s infrastructure due to global warming.

“Defendants knew of the dangers of using their fossil fuel products, ‘knowingly concealed and misrepresented the climate impacts of their fossil fuel products,’ and engaged in ‘sophisticated disinformation campaigns to cast doubt on the science, causes, and effects of global warming,’ causing increased fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which then caused property and infrastructure damage in Honolulu,” Recktenwald wrote.

The Supreme Court steps in

The Hawaii State Supreme Court won’t get the final word on this matter.

Justices on the United States Supreme Court asked the solicitor general’s office to present a legal filing on a petition to hear a lawsuit brought by the energy companies.

This decision hints that there are enough justices on the court to step in and stop rogue left-wing judges from imposing the Green New Deal on the entire country – other states and lower courts will use this precedent to file and approve lawsuits against energy companies – from the local level.

Conspiracy theory Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) – who led some of the more outrageous charges during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings – again claimed, without citing any evidence that the Supreme Court was bought and paid for.

Whitehouse wrote that “[t]his captured Court’s delays of and interference in fossil fuel emissions regulations have already saved the polluters hundreds of billions — way more than they spent to capture it. But there is no end to fossil fuel polluters’ greed and entitlement.”

However it was the liberal Judge Recktenwald with ties to special interest money.

Recktenwald revealed that he taught a course for a seminar for the Environmental Law Institute, a nonprofit group that educated Judges on global warming lawsuits.

In a major embarrassment to Senator Whitehouse, it was really the liberal judge on the case coordinating with ideological nonprofits to advance a political agenda who showed where corruption concerns should be placed.

Democrats don’t have the votes for the Green New Deal at the federal level.

Lawsuits by blue states and cities represented the workaround for the Left’s scheme to turn America into a socialist nation by destroying the energy industry.

But it looks like the Supreme Court is stepping in to pump the breaks on this assault against the American way of life.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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