The Supreme Court got a nasty surprise from RINO traitors who just did the unthinkable

May 23, 2024

Democrats are trying to destroy and delegitimize the Supreme Court.

Liberals got some help from an unexpected source.

And now the Supreme Court just got a nasty surprise from RINO traitors who did the unthinkable.

Liberal media launches smear campaign against Justice Samuel Alito 

Democrats and the media already hated conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito with the power of a thousand suns.

Alito earned the eternal ire of liberals due to authoring the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health opinion which overturned Roe v. Wade.

Now TheNew York Times is running hit pieces trying to smear Alito as an insurrectionist because his wife briefly flew an upside down American flag at their home shortly before Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The Times claims an upside down flag – which represents a distress S.O.S. – is supposedly a symbol of the “stop the steal movement.”

Alito told the Times his wife briefly flew the flag as a response to a rude and profane neighbor.

“I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” a statement from Alito to the Times read.

“It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs,” Alito added.

Alito’s side of the story 

Fox News Channel’s Shannon Bream said she spoke to Alito, who expanded upon his initial comment.

“I spoke directly with Justice #Alito about the flag story in the NYT.  In addition to what’s in the story, he told me a neighbor on their street had a “F— Trump” sign that was within 50 feet of where children await the school bus in Jan 21.  Mrs. Alito brought this up with the neighbor,” Bream wrote.

Alito said the neighbor blamed him for what happened on January 6 and called his wife a crude name for female genitalia.

“According to Justice Alito, things escalated and the neighbor put up a sign personally addressing Mrs. Alito and blaming her for the Jan 6th attacks,” Bream also reported.

“Justice Alito says he and his wife were walking in the neighborhood and there were words between Mrs. Alito and a male at the home with the sign. Alito says the man engaged in vulgar language ‘including the c-word’” Bream continued.

RINOs join Democrats in attacking Alito

Rather than defend Alito from this baseless smear campaign – Alito’s wife is allowed to have whatever political opinions she wants and it has no bearing on Alito remaining on the Court – RINO Senators mimicked the Democrat Party’s talking points.

“It’s not good judgment to do that,” RINO South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham told Igor Bobic of HuffPost. “He said his wife was insulted and got mad, assume that be true, but he’s still a Supreme Court justice. And, you know, people have to realize that moments like that, to think it through.”

“I just don’t understand why you would do that,” Graham’s fellow RINO Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) also told Bobic.

“It suggests a partisan take,” Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) – one of the seven Senate RINOs who voted to convict Donald Trump in the sham January 6 impeachment – added.

Conservatives despise their party establishment precisely because of comments like these from Graham, Rounds, and Cassidy.

Rather than tell the press to stuff it and demand they stop smearing Alito, these three RINO sellouts joined the pile on and enhanced the ability of Democrats to push these phony attacks against Alito.

What Graham, Cassidy, and Rounds fail to realize is that the media want to use these baseless attacks on Alito to delegitimize the Supreme Court so Democrats can pack the Court and create a permanent liberal majority if they win total control of Washington, D.C., in November.

And they are aiding and abetting the efforts to destroy the Court by giving credence to this fake narrative about Justice Alito.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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