CNN made one shocking admission that every Democrat will hate

CNN made one shocking admission that every Democrat will hate

The Republicans concluded their nominating convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Donald Trump accepted the nomination for the third consecutive election. And CNN made one shocking admission that every Democrat will hate. CNN compares energy at the GOP convention to...

Hulk Hogan brought the house down with the endorsement of Donald Trump

Hulk Hogan brought the house down with the endorsement of Donald Trump

The fourth night of the Republican National Convention featured Donald Trump’s acceptance speech. But that wasn’t the highlight of the night. And Hulk Hogan brought the house down with the endorsement of Donald Trump. Hulk Hogan speaks in primetime  WWE Hall of Famer...

Nancy Pelosi pulled this power play to force Joe Biden to drop out

Nancy Pelosi pulled this power play to force Joe Biden to drop out

Nancy Pelosi took charge of the effort to ditch Joe Biden as the Democrat Party nominee. Now all hell is breaking loose. And that’s because Nancy Pelosi pulled this power play to force Joe Biden to dop out. Nancy Pelosi pulls the strings As soon as Joe Biden’s...

Joe Biden picked one fight with Donald Trump that cost him everything

Joe Biden picked one fight with Donald Trump that cost him everything

Joe Biden has been an arrogant politician with a massive ego for more than 50 years. But his hubris ended up causing the biggest political mistake of his career.  And Joe Biden picked one fight with Donald Trump that cost him everything.  Joe Biden finally drops out...

Adam Schiff forced Joe Biden to ask one question about Kamala Harris

Adam Schiff forced Joe Biden to ask one question about Kamala Harris

The pressure on Joe Biden to drop out of the Presidential race became too much. Now all hell is breaking loose. And Adam Schiff forced Joe Biden to ask one question about Kamala Harris. Adam Schiff speaks out  Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been one of the most prominent...

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One surprising group opposed Kamala Harris replacing Joe Biden

One surprising group opposed Kamala Harris replacing Joe Biden

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