Sean Hannity taunted Robert De Niro with this sick insult

Jun 3, 2024

Aging actor Robert De Niro showed up at Donald Trump’s trial for a campaign event staged by Joe Biden.

As soon as De Niro showed up, everything went to hell.

And Sean Hannity taunted Robert De Niro with this sick insult.

Sean Hannity mocks Robert De Niro’s embarrassing behavior 

If any event symbolized why Joe Biden’s trailing Donald Trump in the polls, it was the shambolic decision for his campaign to stage an official press conference outside the Manhattan courthouse house where Trump stood trial.

Biden sending his campaign hacks and actor Robert De Niro – who showed up wearing a COVID mask – validated Donald Trump’s argument that this show trial was engineered by Joe Biden for the benefit of his re-election campaign.

That was bad enough.

But as Sean Hannity later pointed out on Fox & Friends, De Niro’s boorish behavior turned the press conference into a dumpster fire of a clown car.

Hannity mocked De Niro for falling back into the mindset of one of the mafia characters he portrayed in a Martin Scorsese film when the 80-year-old Hollywood legend began verbally jousting back and forth with Trump supporters.

“He was acting like he was bringing back his role in Goodfellas, acting like Mr. Tough Guy, and [saying], ‘he doesn’t belong in my city,’ oh, okay, tell that to Donald Trump when he was building buildings and hiring all the people to build them,” Hannity declared.

The worst performance of De Niro’s career

De Niro showed up with left-wing activist police officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone.

Trump supporters taunted the two for allegedly lying under oath when they testified to the January 6th Committee causing De Niro to meltdown.

Trump supporters knew they had De Niro taking the bait hook, line, and sinker.

That led to even more boisterous taunting.

***Language Warning***

And De Niro flipped out again, cursing at the Trump supporters who gleefully mocked him in return.

“We’re trying to be gentlemen in this world, the Democrats. You are gangsters,” the “Goodfellas” De Niro exclaimed. “You are gangsters! F*** you!”

“You’re a softy! You’re a nobody!” a Trump supporter shouted right back.

 “Your movies suck! You’re trash! You’re trash, you’re trash, you’re done! You’re done after this my guy!” the Trump supporter continued.

If Donald Trump wanted to both discredit the criminal case against him as a political hit job and embarrass Joe Biden, he couldn’t have scripted a better sequence of events.

Biden and his henchmen looked like the Washington Generals of politics.

And they have Robert De Niro and his severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome to thank.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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