Oprah could only say one thing in response to this humiliating display by Kamala Harris

Sep 24, 2024

Kamala Harris’ handlers thought this would be a safe space for the candidate.

But Kamala Harris’ handlers got some bad news.

And Oprah could only say one thing in response to this humiliating display by Kamala Harris.

Oprah looks mortified as Kamala Harris bursts into a word salad

Kamala Harris won’t sit for an official interview because her handlers know she can’t speak coherently on issues.

If voters saw how utterly incapable she was of communicating a vision for the country or defending her policies, she’d stand no chance of victory.

Kamala Harris’ handlers instead have to stage “moments” so the press can write soft focus articles about Kamala in carefully-produced settings, where celebrities surround her so their star power rubs off.

A town hall event in Michigan with Oprah Winfrey was one such moment.

Stars such as Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston and singer/actress Jennifer Lopez zoomed in to shower Kamala Harris with praise.

But the event turned into a fiasco.

And that’s because Kamala Harris eventually had to speak.

At the close of the interview, Kamala Harris burst out into an unprompted monologue where she tried to come across like Captain America with soaring rhetoric about uniting the nation.

“We love our country. I love our country. I know we all do, that’s why everybody’s here right now. We love our country. We– we take pride in the privilege of being American and this is a moment where [pause] we can and must come together as Americans, understanding we have so much more in common than what separates us,” Kamala Harris began.

Oprah Winfrey looked mortified as Kamala Harris tried to sound like a Ronald Reagan-type orator.

“Let’s come together with [pause] the character that we are so proud of about who we are, which is we are an optimistic people. We are an optimistic people. Americans by character are people who have dreams and ambitions and aspirations. We believe in what is possible, we believe in what can be, and we believe in fighting for that,” Kamala Harris added.

Kamala Harris’ speech mercifully ends

It took a while, and a lot of words that didn’t make any sense were strung together, but Kamala Harris finally wrapped up.

“That’s how– that’s how we came into being, because the people before us understood that one of the greatest expressions [pause] for the love of our country, one of the greatest expressions of patriotism is to fight for the ideals of who we are, which includes freedom to make decisions about your own body, freedom to be safe from gun violence, freedom to have access to the ballot box, freedom to be who you are and just be the love, who you love, openly and with pride. Freedom to just be,” Kamala Harris declared.

Oprah Winfrey didn’t want to ruin her own credibility by claiming this was some kind of a great speech.

But Oprah didn’t want to embarrass Kamala Harris too badly.

So “Hmm” was all Oprah could muster in response.

Kamala Harris couldn’t take the hint and rambled on again.

“And that’s who we are, we believe in all that, and so this is a moment where we stand knowing what we are fighting for. We’re not fighting against, it’s what we’re fighting for,” Kamala Harris concluded.

Oprah Winfrey was there to hold Kamala Harris’ hand through the interview.

And it still turned into a mess.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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