Matt Gaetz sounded the alarm on this sick scheme to help Jack Smith

Jul 3, 2024

Democrats are moving heaven and earth to help salvage Jack Smith’s plan to convict Donald Trump.

Now one plan to tip the scales of justice back against the former President is being exposed.

And Matt Gaetz sounded the alarm on this sick scheme to help Jack Smith.

Democrats target judge in Donald Trump’s classified documents case 

Democrats are used to watching former President Donald Trump face rigged trials where Democrat prosecutors and judges were able to stack the deck against him. 

Special Counsel Jack Smith had a partner in D.C. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan – who was appointed by former President Barack Obama – who acted as an extra prosecutor in Trump’s case over January 6th.

Florida District Court Judge Aileen Cannon has smacked down Smith and his rogue band of Democrat prosecutors in Trump’s classified document case.

Democrats are furious that Trump is getting fair treatment in Cannon’s courtroom.

She indefinitely postponed the start of the trial while both sides worked through their pretrial motions.

Cannon’s pause means that the classified documents case won’t start before the election.

That’s why she’s been the target of schemes to get her removed from the classified documents case.

The New York Times reported that Cannon was approached by two judges on the District Court for the Southern District of Florida last year, including Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga, about refusing to take the case after she was assigned to it.

They tried to pressure Cannon off the case by claiming that she was too inexperienced to handle a case of that magnitude.

An effort was made to ensure that a hack judge that would cater to Smith’s whims was installed as Trump’s judge.

Matt Gaetz demands answers on the scheme against Judge Cannon 

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) sent a letter to Chief Judge Altonaga demanding answers about the attempt to pressure Cannon off of the Trump case.

“The New York Times recently reported that multiple individuals report that potentially unethical pressure was brought to bear upon Judge Aileen Cannon in your district (‘Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside,’ June 20, 2024). Specifically, multiple anonymous sources note that two judges have publicized their attempts to convince Judge Cannon to step aside in the Trump classified-documents case,” Gaetz wrote in the letter. “The timing (apparently well into the litigation) and the fact that the New York Times has described this effort as ‘extraordinary’ do warrant at least a reach out from Congress.”

Gaetz asked the Chief Judge about why the plot was leaked to the Times, her conservations with Cannon about stepping down, and whether attempting to pressure Cannon off the case violated judicial ethics rules.

 “I am well aware of the dynamics of a collegial court, and the facts, as reported by the media, may be wrong,” Gaetz added. “There is nothing untoward in a senior colleague explaining to a more junior colleague about the pitfalls of an assigned case and providing options to her. But the article suggests much more than that.”

Judge Cannon was subjected to a failed attempt to have her removed from the case after an MSNBC legal commentator orchestrated an online campaign to file complaints with the court against her.

This is more confirmation that the Left wants to rig the cases against Donald Trump.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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