Marjorie Taylor Greene snapped when she saw this ambush coming

Jul 2, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene is one the most prominent Republicans in Congress.

That also makes Greene a target.

And Marjorie Taylor Greene snapped when she saw this ambush coming.

Greene praises Julian Assange being set freeĀ 

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded guilty to one count of unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents relating to the national defense.

The government sought to jail Assange for publishing secrets about the war in Afghanistan in 2009 and 2011, which the deep state wanted to conceal from the public.

This plea deal will see him serve no jail time and end an ordeal that saw him remain in Britain for the last six years fighting extradition to the United States.

The newly freed Assange returned to Australia.

Greene praised Assange escaping jail as victory for freedom of the press and a blow to the establishment foreign policy that dominated American politics from 2001 onward.

ā€œJulian Assange is now a free man.Ā  Itā€™s a miracle heā€™s walking free and a huge victory for the freedom of press,ā€ Greene wrote on X.

ā€œI donā€™t like the way our government has conducted itself for decades now when it comes to foreign policy, foreign wars, and regime change,ā€ Greene added.

ā€œJulian revealed the secrets the Deep State never wanted to see the light of day and thatā€™s why they came after him,ā€ Greene wrote, concluding ā€œI wish Julian and his family all the best and hope that one day his name is cleared and receives a full pardon from all charges.ā€

Why the Left hates AssangeĀ 

Democrats and the media despise Assange because they blame him for Hillary Clintonā€™s defeat in 2016.

WikiLeaks published emails obtained from the Democratic National Committee and the press and Democrats accused him of being a Russian agent.

Assange denied Russia being his source for the emails, but the Left had their narrative.

Interview goes off the railsĀ 

Greene appeared on the Australian Broadcasting Corporationā€™s 7:30 program with host Sarah Ferguson.

After discussing the Assange plea deal, Ferguson tried to set a gotcha trap about January 6 and the 2024 election.

ā€œIf it doesnā€™t go your way, if Biden wins, will you accept the result?ā€ Ferguson asked.

Ferguson would never ask a Democrat that question even though Democrats denied the outcome of every Republican President Election victory since 2000.

Greene knew a set up when she saw one and called out Fergusonā€™s biased question.

ā€œAgain, what does this have to do with Julian Assange? Thatā€™s what weā€™re supposed to be talking about,ā€ Greene exclaimed.

ā€œWhat network is that? What is this? ABC in Australia? Is she getting her marching orders from the Democrat Party? Is this what you decided to come up with today?ā€ Greene said while looking off camera.

Ferguson tried one more time to bait Greene.

ā€œYouā€™re a prominent figure in U.S. politics. The first debate is tomorrow. The result of the election is on the minds not just of Americans, but of the whole world. So itā€™s a natural point of curiosity,ā€ Ferguson pressed.

Ferguson then saw she wasnā€™t getting anywhere as Greene had no desire to provide some viral clip and ended the interview.

Ā ā€œBut I understand that weā€™ve reached the end of the questions that you want to answer. Thank you for talking to us about Julian Assange and for joining the program,ā€ Ferguson concluded.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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