Liz Cheney’s life got turned upside down by this bombshell court case

Jul 1, 2024

RINO, former Congresswoman Liz Cheney is on the ropes.

Cheney was one of the originators of the lawfare against Donald Trump.

And Liz Cheney’s life got turned upside down  by this bombshell court case.

January 6th Committee’s partisan lawfare facing scrutiny

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon is appealing a federal judge’s order to report to prison in July to begin serving his fourth month prison sentence on contempt of Congress charges.

The Biden Justice Department jailed Bannon – the first time in decades the government enforced this statute – after Bannon refused to comply with a subpoena to testify before the January 6th Committee.

Donald Trump invoked executive privilege, but Joe Biden revoked it leading to Bannon ending up in prison.

Now House Republicans are stepping in.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced that the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group – made up the Speaker as well as the majority and minority leadership -held a three to two vote to issue an amicus brief in favor of Bannon’s appeal.

“The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group voted 3-2 to file a brief with the D.C. Circuit in the case against Steve Bannon,” Johnson announced.

Johnson continued on explaining that the House would revoke arguments made by the committee in support of the legality of how then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi organized the committee.

“The amicus brief will be submitted after Bannon files a petition for rehearing en banc and will be in support of neither party. It will withdraw certain arguments made by the House earlier in the litigation about the organization of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol during the prior Congress,” Johnson added.

“House Republican Leadership continues to believe Speaker Pelosi abused her authority when organizing the Select Committee,” Johnson continued.

Bannon thanks Johnson for his support.

“Speaker Johnson and House leadership showed tremendous courage in repudiating the illegally constituted J6 Committee and its activities/investigations,” Bannon declared.

The illegitimate January 6th Committee

A House committee needs a chairman and a ranking member in order to be properly constituted and able to issue subpoenas.

But when Nancy Pelosi organized the committee, she promptly rejected two of then-Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) picks for the committee, Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN), on the nonsensical grounds that Democrats believed they were witnesses against Donald Trump.

McCarthy then withdrew all Republicans from participating.

Pelosi responded by putting RINOs Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on the committee as the “Republicans” on the committee.

Jim Banks was one of the Republicans urging Johnson to use the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group to push back against the unconstitutional acts by Pelosi in forming the January 6th Committee.

“Given the Committee’s unprecedented, norm-shattering behavior, and partisan motives and structure, if you were to direct the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group to file an amicus brief in support of Mr. Bannon’s June 21, 2024, Emergency Application for Continued Release Pending Appeal to the Supreme Court, it would have my full support,” a statement from Banks read.

Republicans believe that the House revoking the subpoena issued by the January 6th Committee and officially declaring the committee illegitimate that there are no more grounds for upholding the conviction.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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