Karine Jean-Pierre had one awful reaction to Joe Biden’s debate performance

Jul 3, 2024

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had a lot of explaining to do.

Jean-Pierre may finally have hit rock bottom.

And Karine Jean-Pierre had one awful reaction to Joe Biden’s debate performance.

Cheap fake narrative implodes 

Joe Biden’s performance in the debate exposed his handlers in the White House and enablers in the media as liars for pushing the falsehood that the videos of Joe Biden experiencing cognitive failures were “cheap fakes.”

From the get-go, it was clear Biden was senile.

The cheap fake narrative began about a week before the debate after a series of viral videos on social media showed Biden acting strangely.

At the G-7 Summit in Italy, he wandered off from a group of World Leaders and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to chase him down like a mom trying to keep her kid from wandering off at the grocery store.

Another video showed Biden speaking to an invisible man.

At a fundraiser in Los Angeles, Barack Obama had to hold Biden’s hand and walk him off the stage after Biden froze.

The narrative began to take hold that Joe Biden’s mind was gone.

Karine Jean-Pierre misleads the public 

Jean-Pierre said these videos were misleading “cheap fakes” put together by conservative media to smear Biden.

“Yeah, we — and I think you all have called this the ‘cheap fakes’ video.  And that’s exactly what they are.  They are cheap fakes video.  They are done in bad faith.  And — and some of your news organizations have — have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing — the right-wing critics of the President have a credibility problem because of — the fact checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation,” Jean-Pierre stated.

“And so, we see this, and this is something coming from — from your — your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation,” Jean-Pierre.

The media obediently played along.

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Then the debate happened.

And it was no longer possible to pretend the emperor was wearing new clothes.

After the debate, Jean-Pierre completely dropped the cheap fake line.

“He understands, look, he’s not as smooth as he used to be on the debate stage, he doesn’t speak as smoothly as he used to — I mean, you heard him say and acknowledge where he is today,” Jean-Pierre began.

But Jean-Pierre also, notably, never defended Biden’s mental acuity.

“But the thing that he ended with, which I think is so important ,which I keep saying over and over to all of you, is he knows he’s going to fight for democracy, he’s going to fight for freedom, and he knows exactly how to do that,” Jean-Pierre concluded.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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