Karine Jean-Pierre attacked John Kennedy for this disgusting reason

Sep 23, 2024

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy had Democrats fuming.

It caused an ugly response.

And Karine Jean-Pierre attacked John Kennedy for this disgusting reason.

Senator Kennedy grills witness over potential support for Hamas

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) grilled the executive director of the Arab American Institute Maya Berry during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing over what Kennedy believed was her sympathies for Hamas, the terrorist group that carried out the deadly October 7 attacks in Israel.

Kennedy grew frustrated with Berry’s refusal to outright say she didn’t support Islamic terror groups asking, “You support Hezbollah, too, don’t you?”

After some back and forth where Berry wouldn’t give a straight answer, Kennedy finally asked for a simple yes or no.

Berry couldn’t do that.

“Yes or no to a question, ‘Do I support Hezbollah?’ The answer is I don’t support violence, whether it’s Hezbollah, Hamas, or any other entity that invokes it. So no, Sir,” Berry responded.

“You can’t bring yourself to say no, can you?” Kennedy shot back.

That led to another exchange where Kennedy and Berry sparred over her evasive answers on Iran and their anti-Semitic agenda.

Fireworks in the hearing 

Kennedy then moved on to Berry’s critical comments about Congress cutting off between $180 and $280 million in funding for the United Nations’ Relief and Works Agency for Palestine, or UNRWA.

Congress cut off the money after nine UNRWA employees took part in the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack in Israel.

Kennedy asked Berry about her criticism of the decision to defund an agency participating in Islamic terrorism.

“And you called our decision to cut funding for them, quote, ‘an incredible moral failure,’ closed quote,” Kennedy asked.

Berry didn’t deny the accusation.

“That is absolutely correct. But again, I would suggest that conversation is about foreign policy,” Berry replied.

Kennedy reminded Berry why Congress cut off the money in the first place.

“And we did that because nine UNRWA staff members were fired for actually helping Hamas on October 7th, isn’t that the case?” Kennedy wondered.

Berry tried to deny reality.

“I don’t believe that that’s correct,” Berry shot back.

That answer disgusted Kennedy who once again grilled Berry about if she supported Islamic terror.

Berry went all woke in an attempt to silence Kennedy.

“I think it’s exceptionally disappointing that you’re looking at an Arab American witness before you and saying you support Hamas. I do not support Hamas,” Berry declared.

Kennedy found the whole performance disgraceful.

“You should hide your head in a bag,” Kennedy concluded.

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Karine Jean-Pierre responded by smearing Kennedy as some kind of anti-Muslim bigot.

“It was shameful. It was shameful insults and abusive treatment…they were deeply troubling and demonstrate why we need to fight against hate, fight against discrimination of all kinds,” Jean-Pierre stated.

Critics allege Jean-Pierre and Berry are part of the Democrat Party establishment that tiptoes around the Hamas atrocities out of fear of alienating Muslim voters in Michigan.

Senator Kennedy asked simple questions that required simple answers.

Berry couldn’t give them.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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