Jen Psaki looked like a fool when this Doug Emhoff bombshell came to light

Oct 7, 2024

Jen Psaki left the White House to host one of MSNBC’s flagship shows.

The credibility of MSNBC already took a hit.

And now Jen Psaki looked like a fool when this Doug Emhoff bombshell came to light.

Jen Psaki holding up Doug Emhoff as the new model of masculinity looks ridiculous 

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are trying to win the 2024 election by running up the score among men ages 18-34.

Young men are the demographic most put off by the woke Left’s “the future is female” sloganeering and demonizing of men.

But when Jen Psaki interviewed Emhoff for her MSNBC show, Psaki held up Emhoff as the 2024 version of what liberal America thinks being a man is.

“Something that has always – there has also been an important part, an interesting part of how people have talked about your role here is – how your role has reshaped the perception of masculinity,” Psaki told Emhoff.

Liberals see Emhoff – who hangs back as his wife assumes the spotlight and looks like he’s never spent a Sunday afternoon with the guys watching football – as the antidote to the Joe Rogan listening, UFC-watching men that Trump is trying to turnout.

Emhoff embraced his status as a supporter of women. 

“I’ve always been like this,” Emhoff responded. “To me, it’s the right thing to do, support women.”

Psaki’s portrayal of Emhoff imploded when the Daily Mail broke the bombshell story that Emhoff allegedly smacked his then girlfriend at the time so hard in the face at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival that she spun around.

“The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France,” the Daily Mail reported.

Friends confirm account 

The Daily Mail spoke to three friends who contemporaneously confirmed the woman’s account.

“It was something like 3am. They were trying to get out of there and they both had been drinking. There was a gigantic line for taxis,” the first friend recounted.

The first friend told the Daily Mail the woman told him Emhoff allegedly hit her in the face because he thought she was flirting with the valet.

“[Jane] went up to one of the valet guys, offered him 100 Euros or whatever, to get to the head of the line. She told me she put her hand on his shoulder. Doug apparently thought that she was flirting, and came over and slapped her in the face,” the friend stated.

A second friend – an attorney from New York – gave a similar account of the story to the Daily Mail about Emhoff allegedly hitting his girlfriend.

“She put her hand on the valet’s shoulder, and as she was talking to him, Doug comes up,” the second friend recalled.

The friend also said the woman told her Emhoff allegedly clocked her in the face because he thought she was flirting with another man.

“She said he turned her around by her right shoulder, and she was completely caught off guard. He hauled up and slapped her so hard she spun around. She said she was in utter shock,” the friend added.

This is the second scandal involving Emhoff.

After Kamala Harris became the nominee, news broke that Emhoff’s first marriage ended after he allegedly impregnated their children’s nanny.

It’s hard to understate how big a scandal this would be if it involved the spouse of a GOP Presidential candidate.

But it’s likely Psaki and the rest of the liberal media will pretend this never happened.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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