Jane Fonda went on one rant about Donald Trump that will make your blood boil

Jun 25, 2024

Jane Fonda is one of Hollywood’s most controversial villains.

It’s no surprise that Fonda wants to make her presence felt in the 2024 election. 

And Jane Fonda went on one rant about Donald Trump that will make your blood boil.

Jane Fonda flies off the handle over Trump winning in November 

Jane Fonda made her name as a sex symbol in the late 1960s, starring in films like Barbaella, and then won two Academy Awards for Best Actress in the 1970s for her roles in Klute and Coming Home.

In the 1980s, a generation of women kept themselves in shape with her home workout videos.

But politics soon became Fonda’s calling card.

And it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Fonda sounded an apocalyptic warning that a Trump victory would spell the end of America.

In keeping with one of the themes of the election, Fonda – like most liberals – admitted she didn’t have much love for Joe Biden.

“The elections in November or existential really, who wins in November is going to determine whether we have a livable future. It’s as simple as that. There’s a very stark choice. It’s not that I’m 100% happy with President Biden but he’s someone that we can work with, that the American people can work with,” Fonda told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.

“So because I think that this election is so important, it’s existential. I decided that I was going to throw in with the campaign,” Fonda added.

Blitzer picked up on that and asked Fonda if she was voting for Biden or against Trump.

“So let me follow up, Jane. Is, is your support for President Biden more about supporting him or stopping Donald Trump,” Blitzer asked.

“It’s a little of both. I’ve known Joe Biden for a long time,” Fonda added.

The Green New Deal

Fonda claimed her support for Biden owed to the fact she supports the Green New Deal.

Donald Trump is running on a promise to lower the cost of gas by ending Joe Biden’s war on American energy.

Leftists like Fonda can’t force Americans to drive Bidenmobile electric vehicles and use costly and inefficient sources of energy like wind and solar power unless they first destroy the oil and natural gas industry.

Fonda complained that Trump’s plan to unleash the American energy industry would wreck any chance of imposing the Marxist Green New Deal.

“I’m primarily a climate activist and you know, this I guess the best way that I can describe what will happen if the orange man is elected. as we know, because we read papers recently, he invited all the ceos of the big oil companies to meet with him at Mar-a-Lago and he basically said, if you give me $1 billion, I will cut all the climate regulation since that you don’t like clean air, clean water,” Fonda added.

“All these things really protect the American people. That’s why I really want to elect Joe Biden because we’re running out of time. I have grandchildren. I won’t be around to see the worst of it, but we have to confront the climate crisis and we have to do it fast,” Fonda concluded.

Hanoi Jane

Of course, no discussion of Jane Fonda and politics is complete without mention of her history of anti-American activism.

At the peak of her popularity in 1972, Fonda visited the North Vietnamese and posed for a picture on an anti-aircraft gun the Communists used to shoot down American planes.

This was a major propaganda coup for the North Vietnamese.

Fonda earned the moniker “Hanoi Jane,” and her name became a swear word for millions of Americans as a result.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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