Gavin Newsom tried to pick a fight with this potential rival for President that he’ll live to regret

Jul 3, 2024

Gavin Newsom has gone to great lengths to boost his national political profile.

Now Democrats are dealing with the biggest political crisis in their party he’s seen in his career.

But Gavin Newsom tried to pick a fight with this potential rival for President that he’s going to live to regret.

Gavin Newsom blames Republicans for California’s failures in unhinged speech 

California Governor Gavin Newsom is having a rough go of it.

He completed tough budget negotiations to plug a more than $40 billion deficit after he squandered away a record surplus of $100 billion less than two years earlier.

California has become a basket case during his time as Governor.

Newsom gave his annual State of the State address, where he went on a 28-minute tirade blaming Republicans and right-wing media for making California look bad.

He said with a straight face that unnamed “forces” are “threatening the very foundation of California’s success.”

“The California way of life we recognize is under attack,” Newsom ranted. “For conservatives and delusional California bashers, their success depends on our failure. They want to impeach the very things that have made us successful, as a tactic to turn America toward a darker future.”

Newsom claimed that people advocating “freedom” and “liberty” were a danger to California.

He added that the national perception that California has a crime problem was an invention of Republicans.

“Instead, it’s wall-to-wall right-wing media coverage about lawless blue cities and blue states,” Newsom raved. “In fact, California’s violent crime rate is about half what it was at its peak in 1992. California has a lower homicide rate than 29 other states, including Florida and Texas.”

No one knows what the real crime rate is anymore because so many major Democrat-controlled cities stopped reporting crime statistics to the FBI because rising crime made Democrats look bad.

Many crimes go unreported in California cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco because Soros-backed prosecutors won’t press charges or downgrade violent crimes to misdemeanors.

Newsom laughably claimed that the idea that California was a high-tax state was a Republican fabrication.

“Here’s the truth Republicans never tell you: California is not a high-tax state,” Newsom ranted. “You pay a higher percentage in taxes if you’re poor in Texas than you do if you’re wealthy in California.”

California has one of the highest tax burdens in the entire country.

Gavin Newsom blames Republicans for the border crisis 

Newsom decided to blame Republicans for the border crisis that President Joe Biden created during his fact-free tirade. 

“When it comes to the southern border with Mexico, California has proven time and time again that it’s willing to tackle the hardest problems,” Newsom raved. “But Republicans in Congress have chosen cynicism, partisan politics, and the dangerous path of chaos instead of doing their job.”

California has been losing residents at record levels because of crime and housing costs.

Newsom can’t tout successes during his time in office, so he’s turned to attacking Republicans for his state’s growing failures.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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