Donald Trump made one promise that had Joe Biden gnashing his teeth

Jul 2, 2024

Donald Trump is sharpening his lines of attack for a general election match up with Joe Biden.

Trump has Biden on the ropes.

And Donald Trump made one promise that had Joe Biden gnashing his teeth.

The weaponization of the government goes well beyond Donald Trump

When Americans think about weaponization of the government, the first image that comes to mind is Joe Biden siccing his Democrat prosecutors on Donald Trump in an attempt to meddle in the election.

Americans might also think of Biden’s Department of Justice and the FBI rounding up every grandmother who came within eyesight of the Capitol on January 6.

While the political persecution of Trump and the January 6 narrative sucks up the oxygen in the political discussion, Biden’s weaponized government is also hunting down Pro-Life activists simply for praying in front of abortion clinics.

The Biden administration threw Lauren Handy in jail for five years over a protest in front of an abortion clinic.

Biden then locked 75-year-old Paulette Harlow in a cage for two years because Harlow prayed for an end to termination of unborn life in front of an abortion clinic.

At a speech before the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Donald Trump promised to free the political prisoners whose freedom Biden and political prosecutors stole.

Trump specifically mentioned Paulette – whose husband begged for mercy, telling a judge to spare his wife jail because she could die in prison – as one of the victims of Biden’s weaponized justice system.

“Paulette is one of many peaceful pro-lifers who Joe Biden has rounded up, sometimes with SWAT teams, and thrown them in jail,” Trump declared.

Trump said he will “rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who’s unjustly victimized by the Biden regime, including Paulette, so we can get them out of the gulags and back to their families where they belong.”

Biden’s history of targeting Christians

Jailing Pro-Lifers also wasn’t the only front in the Biden administration’s war on Christians.

Biden’s FBI also circulated a memo proposing sending undercover spies to infiltrate the Catholic Church.

Donald Trump promised to end the assault on Americans of faith across the board in the United States government.

“We will protect Christians in our schools, in our military, in our government, in our workplaces, in our hospitals, and in our public square,” Trump added.

To many Americans, Joe Biden’s authoritarian wielding of power against his political opponents is the real threat to democracy.

A Washington Post poll of key swing voters – called the “deciders” – the six battleground states that will decide the election shows they think Trump is better suited to protect democracy than Joe Biden is by a 38 to 29 percent margin.

Protecting democracy was supposed to be Joe Biden’s bread and butter issue in the 2024 election.

But Joe Biden’s own lawless actions and banana republic-style tactics to deploy federal law enforcement to jail his opponents wiped that all away.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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