Caitlin Clark found out one damning truth that will change her life

Jul 2, 2024

Caitlin Clark is the biggest thing that ever happened to the WNBA.

But Clark was in for a surprise.

And Caitlin Clark found out one damning truth that will change her life.

The reaction to Caitlin Clark stuns fansĀ 

When sports leagues find a generational talent, they push them to the moon and market them as hard as humanly possible.

The NBA rode Magic, Bird, and Jordan from a sport where finals games were shown on tape delay in the 1970s with a public perception that the league was filled with coke addicts to a global juggernaut whose new media deal is rumored to be worth $76 billion.

Caitlin Clark led to a boom in the WNBA where record numbers of fans watched on TV and attended games.

Yet the big story in the league is the other players’ reaction to Clark.

Clark is the target of racist verbal and physical abuse.

The Connecticut Sunsā€™ DiJonai Carrington claimed Clark was a crypto-white supremacist.

ā€œDawg, how one can not be bothered by their name being used to justify racism, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia & the intersectionalities of them all is nuts. We all see the sh*t. We all have a platform. We all have a voice & they all hold weight. Silence is a luxury,ā€ Carrington wrote on X.

Instead of cultivating the new fans sampling the leagueĀ 

WNBA commissioner Cathy Engelbert outrageously claimed on Today with Hoda & JennaĀ that no one in the league is targeting Clark.

ā€œThe fans weā€™ve had for a long time know how we have the best, biggest, most physical, best players in the world,ā€ Engelbert began.Ā 

ā€œWhat people donā€™t realize [is] in college, thereā€™s over 200 NCAA Division I womenā€™s college programs,ā€ Engelbert added.

Engelbert claimed this was all just regular rookie growing pains Clark was going through.

ā€œThereā€™s 12 WNBA teams; so you take the talent and itā€™s centralized with the best, the biggest, most physical, and, really, the best players in the world. So I think thereā€™s always an adjustment for all rookies. I think our rookie class this year is doing outstanding, including Caitlin. She was the rookie of the month for May,ā€ Engelbert concluded.

Anyone watching the videos or reading the quotes from other WNBA players knows what Engelbert said isnā€™t true.

Outkick founder and co-host of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton show, Clay Travis, said the other players hate Clark because sheā€™s straight and sheā€™s white.

Engelbert is combating a growing perception on social media that what Travis said is true.

And the question now is: will the WNBA kill their own golden goose out of woke jealousy?

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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