Bill Maher delivered one scary warning that Joe Biden was a fool to ignore

Jun 19, 2024

Bill Maher keeps sounding the alarm that Democrats are headed for defeat in November.

But few on the Left are listening.

And Bill Maher delivered one scary warning that Joe Biden was a fool to ignore.

Bill Maher presses the panic button over Democrats refusal to accept voters want secure bordersĀ 

The European Parliament elections were a disaster for the Left.

Conservative parties in Germany and France were among those that made massive gains.

The right won such a resounding victory that globalist French President Emmanuel Macron was forced to dissolve parliament and call for snap election at the end of the month.

Polls show conservative Marine Le Pen and her National Rally Party hold a strong chance of winning the majority and ousting Macron.

On his HBO Real Time show, Maher warned that the Left lost big in Europe because liberal parties refuse to accept that citizens want an end to the free flow of illegal aliens from Africa and the Middle East into their countries.

“Voters again for the European Parliament said we do not like this much immigration,” Maher stated.

Maher bemoaned the fact that the Left is so wedded to woke ideology that liberals canā€™t accept any limits on immigration out of fear of being called racist.

“Voters keep saying over and over again we are not comfortable with this level of immigration. I understand why. It doesn’t make you a racist to say that,” Maher added.Ā 

Maher said the Brexit referendum ā€“ where British citizens voted to leave the EU over the unionā€™s mandatory open borders ā€“ foreshadowed Donald Trumpā€™s win in 2016.

And Maher said conservatives routing the Left in Europe over the issue of mass illegal immigration was a good predictor that Trump would beat the Democrats again because of this issue in November.

“And then they all stand back and go, ‘We don’t want to be called a racist. So we will not make a move on to immigration.’ It’s going to get them f—ed on Election Day. It’s happening. It’s happening in Europe right now. That proves it in Europe, and it’s going to happen here in America. It happened with Brexit. It’s going to happen again,” Maher continued.Ā 

Joe Biden ignores Bill Maher and the election results in EuropeĀ 

Joe Biden doesnā€™t care or doesnā€™t want to listen.

Bidenā€™s ignoring Maherā€™s warnings and is instead doubling down on amnesty.

Reports are that Biden is preparing an executive order granting amnesty to as many as 1.1 million illegal aliens.

ā€œA program being developed by White House officials would offer work permits and deportation protections to unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens, as long as they have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years, the sources said, requesting anonymity to talk about internal government plans,ā€ CBS News reports.

Bidenā€™s mistakeĀ 

In 2011, Barack Obama pushed an illegal executive amnesty scheme to allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to remain in the country.

Democrats incorrectly attributed Obama winning 71 percent of the Hispanic vote against Mitt Romney to that order.

Biden is sprinting into a political buzzsaw with this mass amnesty scheme.

A recent CBS poll found over 60 percent of voters support Donald Trumpā€™s plan to mass deport millions of illegal aliens.

Maher said that polls also showed 64 percent of Hispanic voters supported the President shutting down the border.

Voters ā€“ including Hispanics ā€“ want a crackdown on illegal immigration.

Joe Biden is offering the biggest amnesty scheme in nearly 40 years.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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