Barack Obama made one scary decision that confirmed the worst about Joe Biden

Jul 2, 2024

Barack Obama is worried about the state of play in the Presidential election.

Now he’s facing some tough choices that could change everything for Democrats. 

And Barack Obama made one scary decision that confirmed the worst about Joe Biden.

Barack Obama increasing his involvement in Joe Biden’s campaign 

Democrats can clearly see that President Joe Biden’s re-election is in big trouble this fall.

The Party has deployed former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to headline ritzy fundraisers for him.

But the Biden campaign’s plan to flood the airwaves with TV ads calling former President Donald Trump a “convicted felon” isn’t the winning strategy party insiders hoped it would be.

Polls show that Trump’s conviction in his Manhattan show trial hasn’t shaken up the race. 

Now Obama is “increasingly involved” in the Biden campaign because he’s nervous about the election. 

The pair have been having lunches to chat about the election and politics.

A piece in New York Magazine noted that Obama is ramping up his involvement to help his former Vice President sooner than anyone expected.

“He has also gotten publicly involved earlier than many anticipated. Just this month, he joined Biden onstage in Los Angeles for his second splashy campaign fundraiser, this one featuring George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel. Between bashes like that and less glamorous efforts, the ex-president has already brought in more than $65 million for Biden, according to a Democrat familiar with the campaign numbers,” New York Magazine reported. 

But it isn’t just the star-studded fundraisers with Obama’s buddies in Hollywood that he’s helping with this year.

Obama filmed more than 10 videos used in digital ads and fundraising pitches. 

He’s also helping Biden by using his connections in Hollywood and Big Tech to support the campaign.

Obama got famed director Steven Spielberg to assist with the production of the Democrat National Convention this summer.

And he got Big Tech titans like former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to bolster Biden’s online operations.

But even this might not be enough to save the President.

Obama worried that Joe Biden could lose 

Obama’s magic touch with voters could be fading away. 

Younger voters are a major problem for Biden, but Obama doesn’t hold the sway with young people that he once had.

“Some party strategists have quietly sided with the analysis offered by popular radio host Charlamagne Tha God in a widely shared New York Times interview earlier this spring. ‘He just don’t feel like he’s of this moment. And maybe that’s his own doing,’ he said of Obama. ‘Don’t get me wrong, he’s one of the best speakers of all time. But I just don’t know what he could say in this moment that’s going to move people,’” New York Magazine reported.

The under-30 crowd doesn’t have a connection to Obama because he was last on the ballot more than a decade ago.

“Though ‘his anxiety about the election is real,’ in the words of one Obama friend, the ex-president’s concerns sounded a lot like those of other top Democrats, according to others who’ve spoken with him. Those who are in regular touch with Obama say these nerves are not a reflection of any particular angst about Biden or his team but of the broader reality: The country is closely divided, the media landscape is fractured, and Donald Trump may very well win,” New York Magazine also reported.

Barack Obama’s increasing involvement in the campaign might not be enough to save Joe Biden from doom this year.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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