Adam Schiff made a bad move picking this fight with Jim Jordan

Jul 2, 2024

Adam Schiff committed another political “own goal.”

Schiff always wants to be at the center of every battle. 

And Adam Schiff made a bad move picking this fight with Jim Jordan.

House Committee seeks contempt resolution against Biden ghost writer

Republicans on the House Judiciary continue to fire off contempt of Congress resolutions that could provide a starting point for a Trump Justice Department in 2025.

The latest contempt resolution targeted Mark Zwonitzer, the ghost writer of Joe Biden’s 2017 memoir “Promise Me, Dad.”

Zwonitzer refused to turn over audio tapes and transcripts of his interviews for the book with Joe Biden.

These recordings and documents became evidence in Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into Joe Biden stealing classified documents over the course of several decades.

Zwonitzer deleted audio records – Hur’s investigators recovered the audio from his laptop – which only added to Republicans suspicions.

Republicans cited the deletion of recordings in their resolution.

“Zwonitzer continues to withhold all documents and materials in his possession that are responsive to the subpoena from the Committee,” the resolution begins. 

“The materials requested from Zwonitzer are crucial for the Committee’s understanding of the manner and extent of President Biden’s mishandling and unlawful disclosure of classified materials, as well as Zwonitzer’s use, storage and deletion of classified materials on his computer,” the resolution added.

What the recordings showed

The evidence contained in the recordings and transcripts led Hur to conclude that Biden willfully mishandled classified information.

Biden reportedly told Zwonitzer that he “just found all the classified stuff downstairs.”

Hur wrote that the “evidence supports…[Biden] was referring to the same marked classified documents about Afghanistan that FBI agents found in 2022 in his Delaware garage.”

Biden’s Justice Department is prosecuting Donald Trump for willfully mishandling classified documents while giving Biden a free pass, despite having Biden essentially confessing to the crime on tape.

The Biden Justice Department also prosecuted Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon on contempt of Congress charges for ignoring the January 6 Committee subpoenas.

Attorney General Merrick Garland and Joe Biden’s ghost writer unsurprisingly escaped that fate.

The facts in this case of a double standard are damning.

The old saying is, if the facts aren’t on your side, pound the law.

If the law isn’t on your side, pound the facts.

And if the law and the facts aren’t on your side, pound the table.

That last option is exactly what Schiff (D-CA) chose when he decided to bicker with Jordan in committee about the contempt resolution.

“Your first move, of course, is to go right to contempt. Ironically, of course, for a chairman who was in contempt of his own subpoena…We’re still waiting for you to testify and meet the obligations of your own subpoena, Mr. Chairman,” Schiff began.

“But nevertheless, I appreciate your making such a clean record for any court in this case. You have never sought an accommodation, never written to the white House, never called the white House, never had a communication with the white House in order to obtain these materials as part of an accommodation. Thank you for that very clean record for the court,” Schiff added.

Joe Biden, Democrats, and the media like to righteously intone that no one is above the law as Democrat prosecutors indict Donald Trump on sham charges.

But they prove that some are above the law by whom the law isn’t enforced against.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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