A top Republican revealed this scary move that Joe Biden is making to help organized crime

Jun 14, 2024

Criminals have hit the jackpot during Joe Biden’s Presidency.

But no one ever thought that it could get this bad. 

And a top Republican revealed this scary move that Joe Biden is making to help organized crime.

Joe Biden is the Mexican drug cartels’ best friend 

President Joe Biden’s decision to throw the southern border wide open has been a disaster for the country.

But it’s been a gift to the Mexican drug cartels.

They’ve capitalized on the open border to flood the country with deadly drugs like fentanyl.

And the cartels’ human trafficking business has exploded with illegal aliens pouring across the porous border.

U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) said that Biden is basically “working with organized crime” by refusing to enforce border security.

Biden’s campaign can read a poll and figure out which way the political winds are blowing.

That’s why after months of inaction and claiming he was powerless, he issued an executive order on border security.

Marshall said that the executive order was window dressing. 

“There’s more holes in this thing than Swiss cheese,” Marshall said. “And I actually think he’s greasing the skids for the cartel. It’s almost like he’s complicit in working with the cartel now to get more people over here.”

Biden’s executive order doesn’t kick in the phony measures until there are 2,500 illegal aliens a day encountered at the southern border.

Obama’s former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that 1,000 illegal aliens crossing a day would be a crisis in 2019.

“He is drawing this up. So you’re a cartel member,” Marshall explained. “You can say we can do this, we can do that. Can you imagine telling everybody we’ve got 2,500 spots today?”

Joe Biden is fueling human trafficking with an open border 

Marshall said that the cartels would auction spots and still be in compliance with Biden’s order.

“We’ve sold 2,000 of them. What’s the bid?” Marshall asked. “Why do I have for my next bid for the next 500? So you know, Joe Biden really is complicit. He’s working with organized crime, the President of the United States. This will make no dent in the situation down there.”

For all of Biden and his media allies crowing about the executive order, it still allows nearly two million illegal aliens to enter.

“I still think, even if they follow this executive order . . . they still end up with two million people crossing the border every year and maybe more than that,” Marshall said.

Marshall said that the move was a political ploy by Biden.

“He sees that this is a political action. It’s not an executive action. It’s a political action. He sees he’s underwater, two to one on this issue. Maybe even worse than . . . Americans are tired of the crime, the human trafficking . . . We’re tired of seeing a Kansan die every day from fentanyl poisoning,” Marshall remarked.

Biden’s toothless executive order is an attempt to get political cover in an election year.

If he was serious about sealing the border, he would have instituted former President Donald Trump’s successful policies.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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