A Judge caught one top Biden ally in this major gaffe

Jul 1, 2024

A gaffe in Washington, D.C., is when you tell the truth when you aren’t supposed to.

Democrats learned that lesson the hard way.

And now a Judge caught one top Biden ally in this major gaffe.

Janet Yellen dismisses inflation 

Treasury Secretary Janey Yellen is one of the key architects of the fiscal policy that helped explode inflation to 40-year highs.

Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro couldn’t believe her eyes and ears when she saw Yellen dismiss the idea of sticker shock at the grocery store telling a reporter “no” when asked by a reporter if she noticed higher prices at the grocery store.

This was a “let them eat cake” moment if there ever was one.

Food prices are up 25.8 percent since 2020.

That means a trip to the grocery store that cost $100 in 2020 now costs more than $125 under Joe Biden.

Judge Jeanine asked former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee about Yellen’s clueless comments.

Huckabee tore into Yellen’s out of touch remarks.

“Yeah, thank goodness my wife keeps some chickens because we’ve been able to afford eggs only because we have chickens providing them,” Huckabee cracked.

Huckabee said it’s easy for Yellen not to notice a 25 percent increase in food prices since she’s worth $20 million.

“Otherwise, we probably wouldn’t be having any. This idea that Janet Yellen sits down there and says, ‘No I don’t see any sticker shock.’ Do you know why? Cause she’s worth $20 million,” Huckabee added.

“Rich people don’t feel inflation,” Huckabee continued.

The Democrat Party’s economic argument 

For all of 2024 and part of 2023, Democrats and the media settled on an argument that the American people are too stupid to understand how great the economy is.

Journalists claim the economic data are strong as polls show Americans think the economy is in the pits.

Huckabee explained to Judge Jeanine that the public doesn’t buy this message of a Biden boom because they have to clip coupons to make ends meet and feed their family thanks to Biden’s inflation.

“They can afford it whether their grocery basket cost $200 or $1,200. They don’t even think about it. Because it doesn’t matter. They know that whatever it is, they can pay for it. They get what they want. They don’t clip coupons. They don’t look at sales items and figure out what they can afford and what they can’t. But most Americans are doing that. What I don’t understand is the absolute, just I mean tone-deaf approach that this administration has taken,” Huckabee stated.

“What they are basically saying to Americans is this there’s really plenty of money in your wallet, you just don’t see it,” Huckabee exclaimed. 

Huckabee told Judge Jeanine that the polls, such as the latest New York Times/Siena survey showing Trump holding a four-point lead over Biden, are a reflection of the fact that the American people remember that life was affordable when Donald Trump was President and that they want a return to that status quo.

“Those prices are really not that high, you just don’t understand math. Americans are looking at it and saying look, ‘I bought bacon, bread, butter, and biscuits last week and I know what they cost.’ They cost a heck of a lot more than it did when Donald Trump was my president. I can’t wait for him to be my president again so I can put food on my family’s table,” Huckabee concluded.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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