Whoopi Goldberg asked one question to Donald Trump that will make you shake your head

Oct 16, 2024

Whoopi Goldberg is one of Donald Trump’s biggest critics in the media.

Goldberg loses her mind on a daily basis attacking Trump on The View

And Whoopi Goldberg asked one question to Donald Trump that will make you shake your head.

Donald Trump mocks Whoopi Goldberg’s comedy stylings 

During a campaign rally, Trump mocked Goldberg as a foul-mouthed and overrated comedian during a rally bit.

Trump used Goldberg as an example of all the celebrities who loved to hang out and be friends with him until he got into politics.

Goldberg – Trump explained – invited Trump to perform a cameo role in her 1996 movie Eddie, a film about a woman fan who becomes the head coach of the New York Knicks.

Trump claimed that Goldberg told him at the time that if he ever ran for office, she’d support him.

That’s when everyone thought Trump was just a real estate developer and a typical New York Democrat.

“As I watch that stupid View, where you have these really dumb people,” Trump told the crowd of supporters, “You know, Whoopi Goldberg said, ‘would you participate in a movie?’ She made some movie on basketball. This is before I ran for politics. She said, ‘You’re so great. If you ever ran for president you’d win…’…politics can could do strange things to demented people.”

But now, Goldberg is one of Trump’s biggest critics.

Trump got his digs in, revealing that he hired Goldberg to perform standup at his casino in Atlantic City, and that Goldberg delivered such an obscene routine that it drove many in the audience to walk out.

“You know, I’ve hired Whoopi to work for me as a comedian before this stuff. And a long time ago. And I went and, you know, I’m not particularly shy about what I hear. Her mouth was so foul. She was so filthy, dirty, disgusting. Half the place left. I said I’d never hire again,” Trump added.

Whoopi Goldberg melts down on The View 

The following day on The View, the co-hosts played the clip of Trump so Goldberg could respond.

Goldberg took pride in her obscenity-laced jokes that alienated audiences.

“As it turns out, I was filthy. I was filthy. And stand on that fact. I have always been filthy. And you knew that when you hired me. I headline, babe, at your casino, which I might have continued to play had you not run it into the ground,” Goldberg ranted.

“Exactly, who does that?” co-host Joy Behar asked.

An enraged Goldberg began shouting, “How dumb are you?” at Trump for not thinking she would work blue during her standup routine.

“You know listen, how dumb are you? You hired me four times. You got to William Morris and get the things, because I know you all are going to be looking for it. So talk to William Morris. You hired me four times and you didn’t know what you were getting. How dumb are you?” 

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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