A top CNN star warned Democrats not to trust the polls for one big reason

Sep 25, 2024

The polls currently show Kamala Harris holding a slight lead over Donald Trump.

But those in the know are doing anything but celebrating.

And a top CNN star warned Democrats not to trust the polls for one big reason.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper admits he doesn’t trust the polls

CNN’s Anderson Cooper appeared on liberal comedian Stephen Colbert’s late night talk show where he had some bad news for Colbert and his pro-Democrat audience.

Cooper told them that even though he reported on the poll numbers, he took no comfort in the fact that they currently showed Kamala Harris in the lead.

“I mean, I report on them, I think they are interesting to talk about, and look at, particularly when you dive deep on certain topics,” Cooper began.

“We have some great people that look at polls, but in truth, deep down inside, I don’t think I buy them,” Cooper added.

Cooper explained that while he respected the people CNN employed to analyze polls, he didn’t buy into their accuracy after pollsters missed on Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020.

“You know, we have some great people who look at polls, but in truth, just deep down inside, I don’t think I buy them. Like, I just don’t. It’s like — I’m sure some are accurate. I’m not casting aspersions,” Cooper concluded.

Past polling errors 

In 2016, pollsters missed the wave of working-class support for Donald Trump.

This was especially true in the Midwest, where all the polls said Hillary Clinton would win the “blue wall” states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Pollsters later discovered their error.

They didn’t properly weigh for education and thus oversampled college educated voters who were more likely to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Four years ago was a different story.

The 2020 election featured the largest polling miss in 40 years as pollsters overestimated Joe Biden’s support by over three points.

But unlike in 2016, the pollsters couldn’t come to an agreement about how they all got it wrong.

A post-election report from American Association for Public Opinion Research showed pollsters throwing up their hands in frustration over not being able to diagnose the problem.

“No one methodology performed head-and-shoulders above the others. According to the report, there were only ‘minor differences’ whether polls were conducted on the phone, over the internet or using a mixed methodology, including texts and smartphone apps — or whether they contacted voters randomly versus off a list of registered voters. Every mode of interviewing and every mode of sampling overstated the Democratic-Republican margin relative to the final certified vote margin, the report said,” POLITICO reported on the study.

Kamala Harris leads nationally and in several battleground states.

But Kamala Harris’ leads are all within the margin of error.

A normal polling error means – that even in the polls showing Kamala Harris with an edge – Trump wins the election.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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