Jen Psaki damned Kamala with this feigned praise

Aug 29, 2024

The Democratic Party is making a big show of how they all love Kamala Harris and have always loved Kamala Harris.

But the mask is slowly slipping.

And Jen Psaki damned Kamala with this feigned praise.

Democratic Party euphoria following the convention

Democrats were beside themselves following Kamala Harris’ nominating convention.

This is all a carefully staged play to hide the fact that Democrats – as recently as six months ago – wanted Joe Biden to drop Kamala Harris from the ticket.

In a March 23, 2024 column, the Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker wrote that Kamala was the most unpopular Vice President in history and listed her failures in foreign policy and as the border czar, as well as what Parker called her “inane” speaking style, as the reasons.

Parker wrote of Kamala that “there’s no reason to think her ranking would spike were she suddenly promoted to the Oval Office. Instead, most signs point to disaster. This is why I propose with all due respect that Harris step away from the ticket.”

Now the media touts Kamala Harris as a political talent greater than that of even Barack Obama.

But as members of the media tried to puff up Kamala, they inadvertently let the truth slip.

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki compared Kamala Harris’ personality to that of the much-despised Hillary Clinton.

“Magical charismatic quality in person. People say that about Hillary Clinton. Also true,” Psaki said following Kamala’s big speech.

Psaki’s line comparing Kamala to Hillary Clinton personality wise called back to the famous Barack Obama crack during a 2008 primary debate where Obama quipped, “You’re likable enough, Hillary.”

Kamala the candidate 

Kamala Harris’ momentum is real.

But everything about the campaign that generated her surge is fake.

The media and Democrats saying Kamala represents the politics of “joy” is especially phony.

Kamala just didn’t teleport into the campaign from Earth-2.

She is the sitting Vice President who bears the burden of Joe Biden’s unpopular record.

Kamala’s handlers and the media know all this.

They also know that Kamala’s 2020 Presidential campaign flopped because they found Kamala to be grating personally with her cackle “cool aunt” persona.

Democrats waited until the last moment to switch out Joe Biden because it guaranteed two things.

One was a burst of momentum created by the relief among party regulars at shunting Joe Biden aside.

The second was the fact that by shortening the campaign to 100 days, Democrats could leverage their control of the media and Hollywood to introduce Kamala on their terms and avoid a lengthy primary that would expose her flaws to the voters.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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