Donald Trump shared one damning picture that has Kamala Harris on the ropes

Aug 29, 2024

Kamala Harris wrapped up her convention with a shallow speech.

Everyone was waiting for how Donald Trump would respond.

And then Donald Trump shared one damning picture that has Kamala Harris on the ropes.

Kamala Harris speech designed to make people forget she’s the incumbent 

Over the course of four days, Democrats lied about Donald Trump and smeared him relentlessly.

Democrats also used Hollywood connections to produce slickly packaged videos highlighting Kamala Harris’ biography and her past work as a prosecutor.

The goal was simple: brainwash Americans into thinking that Donald Trump is the incumbent and that the race is a referendum on him while fooling the voters into thinking Kamala Harris is the challenger and thus the change candidate.

Kamala helped to maintain this fiction by offering no policies during her speech.

All Kamala offered were vague platitudes that no one could disagree with.

“As President, I will grow our economy. And I’ll lower the cost of everyday needs like healthcare, housing, and groceries,” Kamala posted on social media following the speech.

It’s Donald Trump’s job to remind voters that Kamala is trying to play political sleight of hand.

CNN commentator and Republican strategist Scott Jennings summed it up telling fellow co-panelist Van Jones, “My friend, the current pilot of the plane IS Kamala Harris! Donald Trump is NOT the pilot of the plane — she is right here.”

Donald Trump’s plan 

Kamala’s been in office since January 20, 2021, and the inflation and border crisis that exploded are her responsibility.

Trump set about trying to accomplish that goal with a graphic on social media highlighting the massive increase in prices on everyday items that took place on Kamala’s watch.

Kamala Harris owns this inflation.

In March 2021, Kamala cast the tie breaking vote on a $1.9 trillion spending bill.

Inflation sat at 3.6 percent that month.

After Kamala’s socialist spending bill passed in, inflation shot up to 4.2 percent in April.

The inflation rate was seven percent by the end of the year.

By 2022, inflation rose to the highest level in 40 years.

That’s Kamala Harris’ record.

And that’s why the media and Democrat Party are working so hard to keep this a “vibes” election.

Donald Trump’s challenge is to sustain the message of asking why Kamala Harris hasn’t done anything to secure the border or bring down inflation in her first over 1,000 days in office.

That will make the election a referendum on Kamala Harris.

And that’s an election Kamala will have a tough time winning.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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