Hillary Clinton has one ugly plan to brainwash your kids

Jun 27, 2024

Democrats believe that politics is downstream from the culture.

That’s why the Left took over institutions like Hollywood, the media, and academia.

And now Hillary Clinton has one ugly plan to brainwash your kids.

Hillary Clinton uses Hollywood to indoctrinate children on climate change 

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Hillary Clinton revealed that the Clinton Foundation’s Too Small to Fail initiative is part of an effort to use Hollywood to brainwash children into becoming the next generation of liberal activists. 

The initiative has already had some success convincing TV shows like Orange Is the New Black, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and This Is Us to introduce Democrat Party messaging into their programming.

Now Clinton explained her foundation is working with 15 different shows to incorporate climate change propaganda into content aimed at kids.

“There’s now research on this topic, but most people are not aware at all,” Clinton stated.

Clinton claimed the goal was to frighten kids and their parents into believing that climate change will ruin their kids’ mental health or potentially kill them.

“Our hope is that we can help people make the connections between children’s mental and physical health and the impact of climate change,” Clinton added.

Hollywood shows as Democrat Party TV ads

Clinton told The Hollywood Reporter that the goal of Too Small to Fail was to turn TV shows into commercials for the socialist policy initiatives like the Green New Deal.

“So we went out to Hollywood some years back to ask TV executives, writers, showrunners, producers to incorporate messaging about early childhood development into the storylines of their shows. We asked them to think of ways to model the behaviors we wanted to promote,” Clinton added.

“But our hope is that by engaging the entertainment community to help us talk about this issue, we can spark people to think about how they can integrate the connection between climate and kids’ health in their own daily lives. We’re hoping that viewers of shows will understand the case that is being made and feel empowered, not discouraged,” Clinton continued.

Joe Biden’s proposed schemes to ban natural gas stoves and force Americans to drive inefficient and expensive Bidenmobiles are wildly unpopular with voters.

Biden’s electric vehicle mandate may cost him the election by turning Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania red.

But Democrats are playing the long game.

Even if they lose this election, the Left won’t give up on using climate change to transform America into a socialist nation.

The bet by Clinton and other leftists is that what’s unpopular today can be made popular tomorrow through slick Hollywood production and propaganda.

This was the playbook the left ran on homosexual marriage.

Many on the Left credit the success of the hit NBC TV show Will and Grace with normalizing homosexual marriage to the general public to the point where polls went from supermajorities of Americans opposing homosexual marriage to the Supreme Court imposing homosexual marriage on the entire country in less than a decade.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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