Two MSNBC hosts begged Nancy Pelosi to stop making this bad choice 

Dec 20, 2024

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi can normally count on the support of the left-wing media.

But not anymore.

And two MSNBC hosts begged Nancy Pelosi to stop making this bad choice.

MSNBC turns on Nancy Pelosi over opposition to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s promotion

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) challenged the established power structure in the House of Representatives by running for the position of ranking member on the House Oversight Committee.

84-year-old former House Speaker Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) backed the 74-year-old Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) for the job and worked the phones to whip votes for Connolly.

As usual in the Democrat Party, Pelosi got her way. Connolly won the vote in the House Democrat Caucus 131-84.

The pro-Democrat media was furious as multiple MSNBC hosts slammed Pelosi for not getting the message of the 2024 election.

Chris Hayes told his audience that voters punished the Democrat Party for trying to run 82-year-old Joe Biden for re-election and then lying about his cognitive decline.

Hayes remarked that it was a bad look for Pelosi at 84 years of age to whip votes against Ocasio-Cortez from a hospital bed after she fractured her hip in a fall while on a trip to Luxembourg.

“But now Pelosi whipped votes to make sure that Connolly got the Oversight job over the young star in the party, even as the 84-year-old Pelosi is recovering from hip surgery after suffering a fall. It feels like a moment of genuine madness,” Hayes stated.

Hayes said it was just a fact of life that people decline as they get older.

“And look, no one wants to think about their own mortality. I sure as heck don’t. There are lots of people who live very long, active lives well into their 80s, 90s. Even John Paul Stevens lived years after he retired from the court at the age of 90. But as a general matter, this is a very risky undertaking for everyone. And Democrats are not taking this issue seriously, despite everything that’s happened. But they need to,” Hayes added.

Hayes used as another example Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) contemplating running for another term – a term at the conclusion of which the New Hampshire Democrat would be 85.

Citing polling data that shows nearly 80 percent of Americans want an age limit for politicians, Hayes indicated that Democrats missed a real opportunity to show the public they were responding to their concerns by elevating Ocasio-Cortez.

“Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire just said she’s undecided if she will run for another six-year term in 2026 when she will be 79 years old. And again, this is nothing against Senator Shaheen personally, but according to Pew polling, 79% of Americans support age limits for politicians in Washington,” Hayes blasted.

“That is a striking, overwhelming number in today’s polarized environment. Seventy-nine percent of Americans don’t agree on anything. But they agree on this. And Democrats should listen,” the MSNBC host concluded.

The Democrat “gerontocracy” 

Hayes’ MSNBC stablemate Joy Reid agreed, lamenting the fact that the “gerontocracy” won’t yield power even when it’s in the political interests of the party.

“This gerontocracy seems like it’s intractable,” Reid complained.

Reid compared Pelosi working against Ocasio-Cortez to how Barack Obama realized he needed to form his own political organization after winning the White House in 2008 because the entrenched Democrat establishment wasn’t going to give him control over key party apparatuses.

“I recall that when President Obama was elected, he pushed aside the DNC and created his own organization because I think there’s a frustration with the sort of creaky way the DNC operates. Jaime [Harrison], you know, God bless him, couldn’t really change it. But it is run by donors and consultants and people who are locked into the old ways of doing things,” Reid stated.

These comments by Reid and Hayes were striking.

Previously the press would never speak a bad word in public about Pelosi.

But the Left is so shook by Donald Trump’s win that some sacred cows are sacred no longer.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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