Tim Walz can’t take a step without finding himself in the middle of a new scandal.
Now it seems he stumbled himself into another.
And Tim Walz received this letter that sent a major chill down his spine.
Media begins to turn on Tim Walz
Even the cheering section in the media is getting tired of Tim Walz’s falsehoods.
CNN reported that Walz’s 2006 Congressional campaign lied about every detail on how it responded to press inquiries on Walz’s 1995 arrest for DUI.
The campaign falsely claimed Walz wasn’t drinking, that Walz only failed a field sobriety test because of a loss of hearing from his time in the Minnesota National Guard, and that the police let Walz drive himself to the station.
None of that was true.
Walz’s blood alcohol level was .128, Walz didn’t suffer any loss of hearing and police dragged him to the station.
ABC is now in the act, exposing how the men Walz served with in the Minnesota National Guard repeatedly called out Walz for lying about retiring with the rank of Command Sergeant Major.
Walz lost the rank when he quit the guard and abandoned his troops before the battalion deployed to Iraq.
Walz’s history of lying about his rankÂ
Walz couldn’t help but falsely claim the rank of Command Sergeant Major in the Minnesota National Guard.
🚨NEW SUPERCUT: Here are twenty documented instances of Governor Tim Walz falsely claiming his rank of Command Sergeant Major.
This is textbook Stolen Valor.pic.twitter.com/iKV58ZLYNS
— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) August 16, 2024
Walz’s scandal is so embarrassing that ABC – possibly the most violently anti-Trump news network – dug into Walz’s scandal.
ABC reported that in 2016, Thomas Behrends – who replaced Walz as commander of the battalion after Walz quit before deploying to Iraq – wrote a letter to Walz imploring him to stop falsely claiming the rank of Command Master Sergeant.
“It saddens me that after your long career in the National Guard, that you did not fulfill the conditions of your promotion to Command Sergeant Major,” Behrends wrote in the letter obtained by ABC. “It’s quite a title to have, when it has been earned. I would hope that you haven’t been using the rank for political gain, but that is how it appears.”
ABC also reported on a viral Facebook post by John Kolb, who also served with Walz in the Minnesota National Guard and who also took great offense at Walz claiming credit for a rank he didn’t earn.
“It is an affront to the Noncommissioned Officer Corps that he continues to glom onto the title. I can sit in the cockpit of an airplane, it does not make me a pilot. Similarly, when the demands of service and leadership at the highest level got real, he chose another path,” Kolb’s Facebook post read.
Kamala Harris only had a couple of weeks to vet running mates.
The sheer volume of scandals stuck to Walz leads many to wonder if Democrats overestimated their ability to sneak a flawed running mate through to Election Day in what amounted to a 100 day sprint of a campaign.