James Comer put the fear of God in one top Democrat with this letter

James Comer put the fear of God in one top Democrat with this letter

James Comer uncovered the Biden Crime Family’s corruption. Now Comer has a new target in his sights. And James Comer put the fear of God in one top Democrat with this letter. Denver Mayor called to testify in hearing on sanctuary cities  Denver Mayor Mike Johnston set...

TEXAS SECEDES FROM THE UNION! (Today in History, February 1, 1861)

TEXAS SECEDES FROM THE UNION! (Today in History, February 1, 1861)

On this day in 1861, Texas made a game-changing move that would alter the course of history.  In a bold declaration, the Lone Star State officially seceded from the Union, setting the stage for the Civil War and reshaping America's future.  With its own flag and...

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